And Then There Were Three Despite his dwindling bank account, overfull schedule and the challenge of finding yet another round of very personal gifts for those left in the Courtship, not to mention Courting them in the first place, Severus was happy. He'd seen an increase in custom from the publicity about his Courtship, he'd risen to the challenge of the gifts and was quite pleased with his choices, and nearly every day since the first time, he'd been privileged to make love to Draco. A good shag with someone you cared for, who returned the regard to one extent or another, was worth quite a lot to a man like Severus, and it had given him a healthier glow. The frown that had been near-permanent on his features at one point in his life was rarely seen these days, and he'd gained confidence that what had started out looking like a fiasco might actually turn into a happy family, children who would be raised with his mother's name and the love of two doting fathers. Severus already had plans to be both the disciplinarian, and the giver of sweets, and had been practicing his culinary talents on Draco as well as his other, more intimate skills. That, however, was putting the cart well before the horse and possibly forgetting the horse altogether, as Severus noted the time. He checked himself in the mirror once more, surprised to see how long his hair had grown in the month since the gallery showing, halfway down his back and then some in a thick, glossy fall. His robes were more casual this time, a deep green linen appropriate for a brunch reception, with white showing at cuffs and throat as was his wont. A subtle scent of his own making surrounded him, and even his breath was fresh from the mint leaf he'd been nervously chewing. He gathered his wits and his courage and strode out the door of the unfamiliar suite with barely a look back, knowing his guests would all be waiting for his entrance. He strode down the long staircase with deliberate slowness, aware of the dramatic sweep of his generously cut robes, the way his hair swayed in the small breeze that cut across the sunlit landing, and the effect of his rare, genuine smile as his eyes lit first on Draco, then Harry, Gaerwn, Fannie, and Augustus in turn. "Thank you so much for joining me this weekend," said Severus as he stepped down from the last stair and strode over to the group, who were installed on the half-dozen charmingly mismatched chairs and loveseats that had been arranged in a single conversation group at the centre of the parlour. He took the sixth seat, nodding to acknowledge the murmurs of greeting and thanks, pleased when the maid bustled in to inform them that the buffet was ready whenever they were. "Thank you, your timing is excellent," said Severus. "Indeed, we were barely all here when you arrived," said Draco with a teasing glance at Harry, who flushed slightly. Severus looked him over and was amused at the rumpled look of him, as though he'd thrown on the first thing he could find and stumbled through the Floo in hopes he wouldn't be late. "House elf on strike already?" he asked. Harry laughed. "Nope, in fact Dobby wanted to follow me here. I just, er, had a bit of wardrobe trouble." "Feline or avian?" asked Severus, much to Gaerwn and Draco's apparent amusement. Harry coughed. "Both," he said simply. "Dobby took the charm off my wardrobe by accident." "Aaah," said Severus, then he turned to Fannie and said as charmingly as he could manage, "You, on the other hand, are the very picture of a cool summer breeze." She giggled, the chiffon of her sheer white over-robe fluttering while the sky blue under-robe undulated disturbingly, as it was cut to fit unsettlingly close to her ample curves. "You've certainly learned some charm since you were a boy, Severus," she said, and Severus winced inwardly. Harry and Draco both would now home in on her for stories of their brief and unfortunate time together at Hogwarts. "Were you in school together?" said Draco, right on cue. She giggled and nodded. "I'm afraid I only saw him through his second year, but he had a reputation even then for dabbling in the Dark." Harry chuckled. "Severus has always been a man who accumulates rumours, but is never quite what anyone expects him to be," he said. Severus blinked in surprise. "Indeed," he replied, a half-heartbeat too late. "Well, you're no doubt all starving, shall we make our way to the buffet and return to our conversation once our appetites have been satisfied?" "My appetite's just warming up," said Gaerwn, giving Severus a slow once-over that could only have one meaning. Severus blushed slightly, having assumed that the athletic young man would eschew his bed for no rational reason. "I assure you," said Severus, standing and smoothing down his robes pointedly, "I have arranged for sufficient sustenance to satisfy even you, Gaerwn." Everyone laughed and Severus thought he heard Gaerwn mutter, "So I hear," but he dismissed it as irrelevant. After all, they'd likely all find out this weekend who was compatible with whom, except perhaps pure Potter. The group broke up, everyone making their way over to the sideboard, which contained an entirely different assortment of foods now that he'd changed caterers, something that would appeal to a different part of each of his guests' tastes than the food at the dinner and gallery, or the various private teas. Conversation ebbed and flowed, and Severus felt a satisfaction of his own, that he'd done the best he could with what he had and was succeeding beyond anyone's expectations, even his own. The afternoon was whiled away in cards and gossip by some, Harry and Draco luring Frannie and Trimble -- Severus could never bring himself to think of the man as Augustus -- out to the patio so they could hear stories of Severus' misspent youth. Gaerwn took the opportunity to claim the first slot on Severus' dance card, and did some luring of his own, though in this Severus went gladly. Despite Draco's reassurances, Severus found it a pleasant surprise that a handsome man like Gaerwn was so eager to sample what Severus had to offer, enough so that they were nearly caught kissing on the stairs by the maid, who giggled and dusted the banister pointedly. "Perhaps we ought to retire to my room," said Severus sardonically, smirking at the woman and getting an impertinent wink in return. Gaerwn laughed and gestured upwards. "Lead on, my sweet." Severus raised one eyebrow at that, then shrugged and led him up to the topmost floor, which had been made into a master suite. "I doubt you find me as sweet as all that," he said, pausing in the parlour to give one last chance for Gaerwn to decline. Gaerwn's eyes travelled down and back up Severus' body, taking on a decidedly hungry mien as he said, "I'll have to taste all of you, just to be sure." Severus felt colour rising to his cheeks, and he covered up with a sweep of his unbound hair as he opened the door leading to the bedroom. "Then by all means," he said with a little bow, "After you." Gaerwn laughed, brushing up against Severus and then pausing for another kiss, one which lived up to the promise that the earlier one had only hinted at, his large hands encircling Severus' waist and his mouth hot and so very talented. Severus could tell that Gaerwn was used to taking the lead, and he allowed it for now, letting Gaerwn be the one to walk them into the room, though he took the trouble to close the door behind them. Gaerwn's mouth was slick and demanding, his lips soft against Severus', but strong enough to make Severus' knees weak. There wasn't love in the kiss, but there was enough other things to make Severus decide then and there that Gaerwn would make the final cut, and get a contract. He chuckled to himself at the mercenary thought and took back some of the lead, hands finding the fastenings to Gaerwn's simple brown robes and working them open from the throat down. "Sweet enough so far," said Gaerwn, when Severus' mouth left his in favour of the skin he'd exposed, trailing down the pulse in his neck and tasting the skin stretched taut over that thrumming beat. "I have to agree," said Severus, turning them around so Gaerwn's back was to the bed, then dropping to his knees to better navigate the clever gold clips that went all the way down the front of Gaerwn's robes, his fingers working deftly down while his mouth strained upward, exploring the flat plane of Gaerwn's stomach, lapping at one peaked nipple. Gaerwn moaned, thick fingers tangling in Severus' hair and making Severus glad for the hundredth time that he'd finally allowed himself to do something about it. Draco had taken to wrapping the thick stuff around his cock, or making Severus trail it over his naked body, which was reason enough to keep it up for the rest of his life, if he was to be afforded such luxuries as a result. Severus got the final clasp undone and slid his hands up Gaerwn's body from ankles to waist, opening the robe and revealing him to be just as fit and strong as Severus had imagined, from his broad chest with its scattering of red hair to thighs as thick and solid as Draco's waist, though quite a bit more furred. "I've imagined you like this, on your knees for me," said Gaerwn, and Severus grinned and obliged, leaning forward to nuzzle his cock through his white linen pants. "I've imagined what you'd taste like," said Severus, eyes half-lidded and very satisfied when Gaerwn slipped out of his robe, letting it fall to the ground in a puddle between him and the bed. Severus leaned in and nipped at his cockhead gently, then tugged the tie of his pants with careful teeth, getting the bow undone so the fabric sagged. He slid his hands back down, hips to thighs to calves to ankles and taking the pants with them, mouth occupied with sliding up the length of Gaerwn's cock from base to tip. Severus had to admit he was impressed as he took the fat head into his mouth, sucking at it like an ice lolly before letting his lips slip downward, a slow, teasing glide down to the base, until the substantial length was buried in his relaxed throat. It wasn't as comfortable as doing this for Draco, who was more slender and just a little shorter, but it felt good to see the shocked pleasure on Gaerwn's face, and that was enough for Severus, for now. Severus let his eyes fall shut and concentrated on his other senses: the feel of Gaerwn's thigh muscles shifting as he stepped out of his pants; the scent of desire that rose, fresh and hot, from his skin; the salt taste of his skin tinged with the bitter edge of precome, and the bright metallic tease of blood just under the surface; the sound of Gaerwn's moans, low and rough, edged about with sibilants that never quite turned into Severus' name. Gaerwn tugged his hair and Severus pulled back obligingly, looking up at Gaerwn's flushed face. "I can't hold back much longer, and I want... I want to be inside you, and then later, the other way 'round," he said, panting between words which became slowly more coherent as his desire faded back to manageable levels. "If I'm allowed to double dip, that is," he added, with a sheepish grin that was charming enough to win Severus over even if he hadn't been rather pleasantly eager to accede already. "I expect that can be arranged," said Severus, unfolding himself as gracefully as he could, suddenly acutely conscious that this one night might change his future forever. He stepped forward and cupped Gaerwn's face tenderly, offering up a kiss that held all of his uncertainties and the heat of his own desires as well. Gaerwn drank them all down, broad hands resting on Severus' back, drawing him in close so Severus' clothed body pressed firmly against the heat of Gaerwn's naked one. "I want to see you first," said Gaerwn, the words barely more than a puff of air against Severus' lips. Severus grinned into the kiss and stepped back, then waved his wand over himself, Banishing all his clothing to the wardrobe in one recently-perfected move. Draco had applauded the first time Severus showed it to him, but Gaerwn just lifted one eyebrow and looked Severus up and down appreciatively. "You've seen," said Severus, his voice low and seductive as he sauntered around the bed, making sure to give Gaerwn an excellent view before climbing in and posing on the coverlet with his thighs spread, "I think the next step was you inside me?" Gaerwn had turned, his whole body following Severus' progress like a sunflower following the sun, so he was standing at the foot of the bed staring at Severus when he was done. He swallowed and nodded as though he didn't trust his voice, and crawled forward into the space between Severus' knees. He lowered his mouth to Severus' cock, licking up the length and sucking on the head until it was Severus' turn to worry about ending their first round prematurely. Fortunately Gaerwn seemed to sense that and move down, first lavishing attention on Severus' heavy balls until they drew up and out of his way, then into the shadowy crevice beneath. Severus gladly spread wider, bringing his knees up to accommodate the tongue that worked its way inside him, his body open and ready thanks to the very charm Draco had cast for their first time. Severus groaned and threw his head back, trying to dismiss Draco long enough to give Gaerwn the attention he so richly deserved, concentrating on the feeling of Gaerwn's mouth so intimately connected to his body. "Soon," he gasped, finding his wand still in his hand and gathering his concentration up enough to summon the lubricant he'd brewed just for this occasion, slippery and highly neutral in both flavour and magical properties. He'd brewed another potion for the weekend as well, just in case, but wouldn't be needing it with handsome, enthusiastic Gaerwn. "Please," said Severus, sliding the bottle down his body until it was nestled against his balls, just waiting for Gaerwn to use it. Severus gasped when Gaerwn pulled his mouth away and asked, "Slick?" Severus nodded, and Gaerwn sat up further, while Severus rolled over onto elbows and knees. Gaerwn unstoppered the bottle and poured a bare few drops onto his fingers. He rubbed his thumb over them and smiled, bringing them up to smell and taste. "This is good stuff, Severus. Hard to make, too," he said, pouring just enough over two fingers, then slipping them with surprising care into Severus' body. Gentle though it was, the unaccustomed intrusion surprised a whimper out of Severus, and Gaerwn's eyes grew warm and understanding. "Been awhile?" he asked, fingers gliding in and out with care and skill, crooking forward once in awhile to brush over the spot inside to make Severus arch and moan. Severus didn't bother to answer, letting himself sink into the simplicity of pleasure, hands going overhead to grip the headboard while his body arched and undulated along with each thrust of Gaerwn's fingers. They were both too impatient to be getting on with things to allow for lingering over even this task, however, and soon two fingers gave way to three, and three vanished entirely, to be replaced with a teasing cockhead and whispered queries. "Now, please," murmured Severus in reply, though his body had already answered for him by taking Gaerwn's slick cock inside himself with a tilt of his hips, heat into heat and Gaerwn moaned, letting himself slide the rest of the way inside. "Bloody hell," Gaerwn swore, scattering kisses along Severus' shoulders, face burying itself in Severus' hair. Severus tightened his muscles just to draw a gasp from Gaerwn, and another curse, and then he was thrusting and Severus was rocking and everything was hot and slick and perfect, or as perfect as it could be when it was practically a stranger inside his body, not to mention practically his fiancee. He dismissed those thoughts as unworthy of the moment, and of Gaerwn, who was certainly putting his all into their union. Gaerwn's broad hands roamed over the taut planes of Severus' body, stretched from headboard to cock while Severus revelled in the masculinity of him, all low groans and sweat and forceful thrusts into Severus' willing body. Another, much more inevitable thought insinuated itself into his consciousness as the tension built inside of him, winding him tighter and tighter until all it took was a few dozen strokes of one broom-callused hand to break him apart entirely. Gaerwn coaxed Severus through his release, nuzzling at his neck and gentling his thrusts as though taking a trained animal through a difficult manoeuvre, but he couldn't bring himself to mind when it felt so good. The pleasure crashed through him in waves, each one drawing a little cry from his lips, and sending a shudder through his body until he was limp and sated, though by no means finished for the night. He went back down to his elbows and tightened up again, getting a ragged moan in response. "Your turn," whispered Severus, using the freedom of his languor to direct his attention to Gaerwn's body, using small tilts and twists of his hips to add to Gaerwn's pleasure. Gaerwn sped up again, rougher now that Severus had been seen to, less finesse and more pure lust in his movements as he rode his own wave to its crest, burying himself deeply and shuddering silently when it broke over him. He collapsed onto Severus, though not so heavily that Severus needed to protest, chuckling softly as they both shifted until they were comfortably entwined. "You'd definitely be worth marrying for the sex," said Gaerwn, his body slowly relaxing into the afterglow. "The feeling is quite mutual, I assure you," said Severus, idly toying with Gaerwn's sweat-soaked red hair. He felt a yawn try to take him by surprise, and turned it into a chuckle of his own instead. "Don't think this gets you out of bottoming, though." Gaerwn laughed outright and surged upward for a hot, hungry little kiss. "I wouldn't dream of it." Harry hated how jealous it made him, sitting there laughing with Draco who'd been sleeping with Snape for weeks, Frannie who kept making innuendo about how she planned to be next, Trimble who countered with caveats about the wisdom of assuring compatibility, and Gaerwn off with Snape right then, having sex in the middle of the afternoon. And Harry, who blushed and stammered and couldn't have been less subtle if he tried, though Draco helped to cover for him a little by steering the conversation away from any speculation on Harry's level of experience. "You're just holding out to make him want it more," said Draco teasingly, for approximately the millionth time since they started playing bridge. Harry sighed and played a card from his hand, which from Draco's glare wasn't the right one at all, and shot back, "Well, between you three and Gaerwn, I didn't want to wear him to a stub." That got the laughs it was intended to, and another hand went around until Draco spoke up again. "So, Frannie, what was our suitor like as a wee firstie, anyway?" She got a sly look and laid down a trump card, and took the trick. "He was as unpleasant a little bastard then as now," she said with great glee. "Hexed the pants off some poor bloke his first day, and pretty much made his reputation." "I expect that would be either my father, Sirius Black, or possibly Lupin?" said Harry, throwing away a low card and finding he really didn't care about winning or losing anymore, not that he had particularly in the first place. Frannie laughed and took a sip of her tea, then gathered the cards up, obviously drawing out the moment. "It was indeed your father, Harry, and let me tell you he was a little blighter right off the bat, too. A legendary rivalry was born that day, a bit like you and Mr. Malfoy, I suspect," she said speculatively, looking from one to the other before adding innocently, "Perhaps it's just a very young sign of unresolved sexual tension?" Harry barked out a laugh. "At eleven, I don't think I knew how to spell sex, let alone have any leanings toward it." "He was a late bloomer," said Draco slyly, surprising another laugh out of Harry. "You can say that again. Remember the Yule Ball in our Fourth Year? I don't think the Patil twins ever forgave me for being utterly useless with girls, not to mention uninterested." "And now you're all set up to marry a nice bloke," said Frannie speculatively. "Perhaps that's a sign, Harry, that you oughtn't force yourself down the path of love your feet do not naturally tread." It took Harry a moment to puzzle out the bizarre sentiment, and when he did he just shrugged and smiled enigmatically. "Our Harry's been treading all sorts of paths on his way here," said Draco, eyes sparkling with mischief, "He's been all over the globe, you know." "I'm sure our plebian British lives seem quite staid by comparison," said Trimble. He'd been shy for the whole game, and Harry felt grateful to him for making the effort. "Oh, I doubt that," said Harry with a shrug. "I expect you see things every day that I'd be amazed by. I never really get used to being a wizard, you know. I grew up without magic and so every time I run across something new I always feel like a plebe myself." Harry's humbleness seemed to impress Trimble, which was good, since Harry rather liked the stolid little man. He was steady and practical, but without the bitterness of someone like Madam Pince; rather like a more sophisticated version of Hagrid, someone who accepted what needed to be done and did it, though without the fascination for dangerous creatures. "That explains your shoes," teased Frannie, and Harry flushed and shuffled his feet in their ratty old trainers self-consciously. "I tried to shop for proper wizarding shoes once," said Harry, remembering back to the day he'd wandered into some shop in Diagon Alley nearly by accident. "It was all too confusing for me. Who needs shoes that sing to you when you're lost?" "The way your life goes, you'd never get them to shut up," said Draco with a snort. Trimble chuckled politely. "Well, if you don't mind my saying so, perhaps you were in the wrong shop? At Trimble's Toes, we'd be happy to find you something that held only the charms you wanted, or none at all if all you require is sturdy wizard make." Harry smiled, relieved that he hadn't been insulted. "Perhaps I ought to stop in and let you fit me up," he said. "I'm afraid these are down to their last legs, and I haven't had time to buy more." Trimble blinked. "Do you... that is to say, are those your only pair of shoes?" Harry shrugged and flushed a little. "I hate shopping," he said by way of explanation, then distracted them all by taking a trick for no apparent reason. That got them all back into the game, and once Frannie and Trimble had properly won, they switched over to playing poker for biscuits kindly provided by the staff, which was a bit more Harry's speed, as it mostly relied on luck. They played until it was time for dinner, at which point a sheepish Gaerwn and smug Snape deigned to join them, and Harry felt that bite of jealousy again, sharper than before. "He's everything you claimed and more," mock-whispered Gaerwn to Draco, sending Harry a wink. Draco smiled like the cat who got the canary and said, "I know." Draco was starting to feel a real sympathy for Harry by Sunday dinner, watching everyone around the table glow with satisfaction except Draco, who'd been glowing for weeks anyway, and Harry himself. "You'll come for that appointment now, won't you?" Trimble was saying, looking earnest and mildly distressed over Harry's lack of proper footwear. "Do wizards have trainers?" asked Harry curiously. "I like them best, so even if I do get some proper wizard shoes, I'll want some of those as well." Trimble chuckled. "We'll get you outfitted. In fact, if you won't consider it an intrusion, I can have the family elf go visit with yours and get an idea of your wardrobe, so we know what you need." Harry grinned at that, the brilliant smile that always seemed to make Draco's heart skip a beat these days, so openly delighted in a way Draco had been trained out of far too early to get it back now. "Now that you have a wardrobe, you ought to listen to him," said Draco, leaning in and putting his hand on Harry's thigh, just for the satisfaction of watching him flush ever so slightly. "Yeah, sure," said Harry, shifting in his seat enough to make Draco's fingers slip up and inward, bringing heat to both their cheeks before Draco moved the hand away. "Tuesday at two, right?" "Correct. Dimble will be by sometime before then, though he's quite shy and likely you'll never even know," said Trimble with a pleased little smile. Harry nodded, sipping his wine, and Draco gave him a nudge. "Finish your steak, I think Severus wants to switch courses," he said, though he knew Harry was likely full, having eaten a lot of his biscuit winnings this afternoon while Gaerwn was busy having seconds of Severus. "I couldn't," said Harry, wiping his mouth on his napkin and setting his knife and fork down. "I'm stuffed as it is." "Then we shall have to pause before pudding," said Severus, slipping smoothly into the stream of their conversation. "If everyone is ready?" Nods all around, and the remains of their food vanished, to be replaced not by a sweet, but by their gifts. Everyone's gifts looked the same this time, a sheer silk bag that contained a wooden box, though the choice of colours was different for everyone. Draco's was a soft green that reminded him more of spring grass than the Slytherin crest, especially with the dark walnut box that would match beautifully with Severus' parlour. He slipped the silk down and opened the lid, momentarily blinded by the miniature sun on the inside of the lid, which faded out as soon as the true sunlight hit it. Inside there was a small Lady Luck Lily, quite rare and valuable not as an ingredient, but instead as a personal talisman. If one kept it happy and alive, it was said to impart a small measure of good fortune to its owner, in everything they did. Harry's box was a warm mahogany, with a gold silk bag that made the wood look richer. It, too, shone brightly when he opened it, as did all the boxes around the table. "I had thought to give you all something more individual," said Severus as they peered inside, "but when the opportunity came to me to acquire these, I felt I would be doing you all a disservice by allowing my own prejudices to keep them from being your gifts." "I certainly can't complain," said Trimble, gently stroking the silky blossom. "Do you have any information on the care and feeding of them?" Severus smiled. "Of course. Note that there is a drawer in the front of each box, at the bottom," he said, and Draco smiled to see the small silver dragon drawer-pull on his. He slid it out, and found a deeper space inside, containing a book and several potions, presumably everything they'd need to care for their new plants. "The potion should be enough for many years, and of course I am happy to replace any lost to accidents, for so long as our acquaintance holds." Draco smiled to himself; it must not have been expensive to brew, if he was making an offer like that, or else the batch had been huge and he had an excess of something that would be hard to dispose of, considering the specific use. "It's an incredibly thoughtful gift, Severus, thank you. I'm sure all of us could use a little more luck in our lives. Well, maybe not Harry." Harry flushed and ducked his head. "I could use a bit of luck here and there," he said, seemingly fascinated with his new flower. "I'll have to keep it away from Hedwig and Algernon, though." "Actually," said Severus with a touch of smugness to his smile, "If you fit the pot into the depression on the lid, the magics used to maintain the environment inside will instead be used to keep anyone but its owner from touching it." "That's very clever," said Draco, closing the lid and tracing the dip at the top with a smile. "Thank you very much, Severus, for a rare and wondrous gift." A chorus of thanks went around the room, and everyone moved their boxes carefully into the centre of the table so that pudding could appear in the form of trifle for everyone. Draco personally found trifle a bit pedestrian, but everyone else seemed delighted, and when he took a bite he found out why -- the cream was lighter than air and the cake nearly as fluffy, while fresh fruit separated the layers rather than typical jam, elevating it far above the average trifle and into the realm of heavenly sweets. "You know," said Draco, licking a bit of cream off his spoon deliberately, "I'm starting to think I ought to marry you just for the food." Everyone laughed, and that started another round of compliments, which turned into a more serious discussion of everyone's intentions. "You know I'm in it for the long haul now," said Gaerwn bluntly, sipping the sweet sherry that had come with their pudding. "Not much would keep me out at this stage, except yourself, of course." Severus chuckled. "I find myself unexpectedly blessed, and will have a hard time deciding on this next round, unless someone chooses to step down." Draco knew that for a lie, but it was a good one -- something might happen to take one of the top three out of the running, and Severus needed that cushion of goodwill. "I have to say that after seeing you during the Courtship, I feel I could only benefit by bringing you into the family," said Trimble, flushing just enough to let Draco know that he didn't just mean Severus' excellent taste in food and gifts. "Thank you, Augustus," said Severus, his voice carrying a warmth it hadn't held when speaking with Trimble previously. Apparently, thought Draco with his own surge of jealousy, they'd found some common ground once their clothes were off. "I, too, am far more sanguine about our match now that we've had a chance to become better acquainted." Frannie batted her eyelashes and gave a little wriggle. "I find I've grown quite fond of you myself, Severus, darling," she simpered. Draco coughed a little; apparently Severus had outdone himself. Severus shot him a look, and then replied with as much dignity as he could manage, "I'm sure you will make an excellent mother, Frannie." "As you'll be a good father," said Harry softly, looking up at Severus with pink cheeks and pleading eyes. "You've put so much effort into getting there, but it's only made you warmer and happier." Severus' face softened for just a moment, betraying an affection for Harry that gave Draco hope for his own plans; if Severus cared for Harry that much, then Draco might yet have a shot at keeping them both. "You'll make your husband or wife happy as well," said Draco with a twinkle in his eyes, relieved when the naked vulnerability fled from Severus' face. "Or so I hear," said Harry with a wry little laugh. That broke the serious tone, and the conversation moved on, or back as it were, to innuendo and teasing. There wouldn't be any bed hopping tonight; everyone was already packed, and they'd split up and go home after this, to await their letters from Severus within seven days. Severus wouldn't be required to produce the contracts for another several weeks after that, to give him time to Court them each individually and discern the details that he'd include in each. Draco, personally, couldn't wait for the wooing. Title: And Then There Were Three