And Then There Were Three Harry lounged on the chaise that sentiment had allowed them to bring from Severus' house and into the nursery. He tended toward the nostalgic these days, unless they were foolish enough to call him on it, in which case he could demonstrate that he'd learned quite a lot from years of listening to Severus' sharp tongue. "I can't believe it's been five years," said Harry, looking around the sunlit room. Draco looked up from where he'd been trying to dress his wriggling heir and said amusedly, "I could check the calendar again, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure that's what the party is for." Harry snorted. "Why did we have to hold a big party while I'm like this, again?" he asked, gesturing toward the stomach that was just starting to distend visibly in his loose robes. "Because the idiots at the Ministry decided they knew better than we what 'a reasonable period of time' was to produce the third heir and properly populate the world with Potters," said Snape, adjusting his own son's robes carefully. Aegeus Prince was nearly four and already a bit of a terror, while Proteus Malfoy was barely 18 months, and Harry was six months along with the future Thaniel Potter, and very cranky about the whole affair, despite having volunteered to do his duty and carry his own child. Still, he was nothing compared to the way Severus had been during his term, so Draco mostly watched with amused affection. And learned to duck, after Harry began spontaneously casting when he was upset, around four months in. "Because you look wonderful in your new robes, and we'll be there to support you," said Draco, bringing Proteus over to kiss his Daddy Harry. "Besides, they've got pictures of the two of us looking like Soft-Bellied Spherical Cetaceans. Now it's your turn." Harry might have objected, but Proteus was a dependable cure for nearly all of Harry's moods. Proteus cuddled right up on Harry's far side and planted a wet kiss on Harry's cheek, and Harry smiled and carefully smoothed down the hair that gave Draco no doubt at all who had been the other father in his case. "You won't be the only one waddling about at the party anyway, Hermione's even further along," said Severus, leading Aegeus over to offer his own form of comfort to his Daddy. Aegeus fixed his vibrant green eyes on Harry and then said, "I think you look prettiest when you're mad and you glow." They all laughed, except for Proteus, who kicked off one shoe, fell asleep and began drooling on Harry's party robes. "We will appreciate your cooperation properly tonight," said Severus, giving Harry a much different sort of cheering look, eyes travelling over his body to rest on the one part of Harry that was most definitely still very masculine. He sat at Harry's feet and began to rub them, another time-tested way of getting Harry to relax. Harry sighed and snuggled Proteus a little closer. "I hate that you have to manage me," he said, holding out his other arm for Aegeus to clamber up and snuggle. "I can't wait until this is over and I can hold Thaniel in my arms instead of having him kick me in the bladder." Draco snorted. "He'll just kick you from the outside instead, you know." Harry chuckled, and Draco kissed him, looking around at their little family, draping Harry with love from head to toe. There had been difficult times and there undoubtedly would be more, especially with Rita Skeeter doing an article on the party and Harry still shaky on the whole concept of diapers, but Draco couldn't bring himself to mind it much. Thanks to Severus, Draco had finally found the things that had been missing his whole life -- a family who loved him unconditionally, two husbands who shagged him into the mattress, and a sense of home that went beyond ancestry or breeding, though they had earned both in spades for their sons. Draco didn't know if his own father would have been proud of what he'd done with the Malfoy name, fortune and bloodline, but he knew he was, and that was what mattered. The End Title: And Then There Were Three