A Question of Etiquette XXV: Harry stripped off his formal robes and silently vowed never to do anything to earn himself a medal from the Ministry ever again. "If you don't hurry, you'll miss the Feast," said Ron heartlessly while Harry shimmied into his clothes. The Seventh Years wouldn't be wearing student robes tonight, and Harry wanted to look good but not too formal, so he donned the simple burgundy robes he'd last worn at his mock-courtship dinner with Snape and the twins. A few adjustments and a change of footwear, and he was ready to go. "How do I look?" he asked, eyeing Ron's outfit dubiously. Ron grinned. "You look like a real wizard, mate," he said, then turned to show off the fit of his dragonskin trousers. "How about me? These were a gift from Bill, mum hates them." Harry laughed. "I think they're ace," he said, then couldn't help but add, "though you might consider a different shirt." Ron looked down at his bright orange Cannons jersey and shrugged. "They're doing well this year, you know," he protested, but stripped it off anyway. Harry handed him Charlie's gift instead, which Harry had no doubt had been coordinated, the dark shimmery fabric of the button-down shirt going well with the brighter iridescence of the trousers. "Still, you want to impress Hermione, don't you?" asked Harry slyly. Ron grinned and buttoned up, and Harry felt very glad he didn't think of how Ron's build compared to the twins until after it was mostly covered again. "Hermione loves me despite my fashion sense, not because of it." "Too true, mate," said Dean, slapping Ron on the shoulder. "Come on, we don't want to be late to our own Leaving Feast!" Harry left his formal robes in a heap on his bed, the Order of Merlin still glittering on the front, and let his friends herd him downstairs to dinner one last time. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of Snape all through the Feast, trying to detect if he was wearing his better quality robes, to catch his eyes alighting on Harry just once. Harry was pleased to see the medal shining on Snape's chest, to see them scattered throughout the four House tables. It emphasised their part in the whole affair while downplaying his own, something he devoutly wished for, though he had no doubt that Rita Skeeter would contrive to somehow make it all about his supposed attention-seeking in tomorrow's Prophet. "So," said Neville, voice pitched low so only Harry could hear, "when are you going for it?" Harry blushed, but grinned. "Tomorrow, I think. Tonight he might still make noises about me being his student, but tomorrow it'll be official. And if he sends me away, I can just take the Floo home." Neville grinned and bumped Harry with his shoulder, which made him jostle Ron. Fortunately, Ron's table manners were bad enough not to be affected, and the motion didn't carry on to Hermione. "Wossup?" said Ron, through a mouthful of something best left unidentified. Harry smiled fondly, and refrained from rolling his eyes. "We're talking about," Harry paused, eyes flicking to where Snape was speaking down his nose at Fudge, much to Harry's amusement, "what I'm going to do tomorrow." Ron followed Harry's gaze, then swallowed. "Oi, don't tell me about it!" he protested good-naturedly, washing away the last of the food with a big gulp of pumpkin juice before starting the process all over again. Harry snickered and looked away. "It's a good thing I don't love you for your table manners," said Harry in a louder tone, giving him another gentle shove. Ron laughed, and Hermione and Neville joined in, having overheard the comment. "It's a good thing you love him like a brother," said Hermione, "or we'd have more problems." Harry gaped. "Hermione! I would never..." "I know," she said smugly, "but it's always good make sure you know." Neville laughed. "She's got you there," he said, while Ron turned red and wisely kept silent. "Actually, I think she's got Ron," said Harry with a wink, which started another, wider round of laughter. "Just as long as you get... who you want," said Neville, pointedly not looking in Snape's direction. "Eventually, anyway." Harry felt himself flush and he shrugged and said philosophically, "Let's hope it's sooner rather than later." Harry wasn't sure how he'd survive one more night in the dorms; he felt so excited he was about to jump out of his skin -- or come in his trousers -- and his housemates were just as bad. "I can't believe it's really over!" said Neville for the thirtieth time. "It's not over until tomorrow," said Ron, giving Harry a significant look. "We're still students until we get on the train." "Well, until we've left the grounds for the summer, anyway," prevaricated Harry; he had no intention of getting on the train and riding all day, only to try to coax Severus into visiting him by Floo. He was going to beard the dragon in his den as soon as he could reasonably manage, even if it meant bending the strict definition of "left school". They all laughed at that, and Harry flushed, but he couldn't deny his intentions. "All ready to be a proper adult, then?" said Seamus, slinging an arm over Harry's shoulders. "You have no idea," said Harry, very sincerely. "Well," said Dean, pulling something from under his bed, "it's a good thing I've got something to get us started." While he handed out butterbeers from a case he'd smuggled in, and the rest of them pulled out the very last of their snack stashes, crisps and sweets and even some favourfruit from Neville, which took on the flavour of the eater's favourite food. They all gathered on Harry's bed and shared around their treats, reminiscing on the sorts of memories that were best kept among the guys, of mishaps and exploits and late nights just like these in terms past. Harry extracted a promise from Neville to come check on his Danger Daisy, while Dean and Seamus got one from Ron to arrange for them to see the work rooms in Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, and talk with the twins about their own ideas for Quidditch-related novelties. Ron got Harry to swear he'd come to Sunday dinners, though perhaps not this first Sunday, and Neville got Dean to commit to helping him out with illustrations, should he manage to get his very first Herbology article published. Seamus assured Harry that he'd be happy to help him look into a career in professional Quidditch. Near the end, when they were all sleepy and warm and the sugar was starting to wear off, Harry gave Dean and Seamus a couple of the slips he'd convinced Dumbledore to entrust to him, which held the location of 12 Grimmauld Place. "It's under Fidelius, so you can't tell anyone else where it is, but I want you all to be able to visit or owl me," explained Harry. "Ron and Neville have been there, so now you can, too." They both stared at the bits of parchment, lips moving as they memorised the information. "Thanks, Harry," said Dean, sounding surprised and grateful. It was rather spoiled when, a moment later, the papers lit on fire, causing both boys to yelp and drop them. They burned fast enough that there was nothing but ash left to drift onto the coverlet, and somehow that seemed a fitting end to the evening. "Come on, let's get a few hours of sleep," said Neville, standing and stretching. Ron got up with him, snagging one of the few remaining chocolate frogs. "For tomorrow," he said, flashing the familiar box with a wink. Harry laughed. "Wankers, leaving me your rubbish," he said good-naturedly, Banishing things one at a time until only the edibles were left -- two more frogs, an overlooked package of Bertie Bott's, some sugar quills and the last of Neville's fruit. "At least I got the good stuff, too," said Harry with a laugh, putting the treats on his bedside table. Dean and Seamus laughed, but they all let him keep his prizes, settling one by one into their own beds. Their lights went out one by one as they whispered, "Nox," into the quiet room, and slowly their breathing evened out into the familiar night sounds of the dorm, and even Harry managed to fall asleep The morning was full of the rush to pack one last time, knowing that left-behind objects, rather than turning up on beds next term, would be lost forever. It made Harry glad that they'd said their goodbyes and made their promises last night, so he didn't have to feel guilty for being in his own little world now. His mind spun and spun, catching every time on the thought of Severus, and himself, and the sex they might be having soon or even just kissing, god, more of that wonderful kissing. "Keep grinning like that and we'll think you snuck out last night," said Ron, punching him in the shoulder. Harry blushed and laughed, looking around to see they were all packed up and ready to go, and waiting on him. "Right, sorry," he said, standing up. He took a bit of pleasure in shrinking down his own trunk for pocketing, and then he was ready with the rest of them. "Gentlemen," he said, giving a foolish, courtly little bow. "Prat," said Seamus, giving him a shove on the way past. They tumbled down the stairs amidst laughter and general teasing, and for a moment it felt like the start of term instead of the end. But he knew in his heart that the rest of their trunks were being sent to the Hogwarts Express by the house elves even now, and as of this moment they were all proper adult wizards on their way out into the world. Or, in Harry's case, on his way hopefully away from the world for a few more very private and stimulating hours. Or possibly days. Weeks, if he was lucky. "He's got that grin back," said Neville teasingly, giving Harry a nudge. Harry brought himself back to the present long enough to walk everyone down to the Great Hall and say his farewells one last time amidst hugs and manly handshakes and even a few tears, and he was grateful when they all moved off toward the carriages, and their own futures. "Shouldn't you be joining them?" asked Dumbledore's familiar voice from behind him. Harry shrugged. "I thought I might Floo home in a bit, since there's no one to pick me up at King's Cross." Dumbledore's gaze grew shrewd. "You are no longer his student, but Hogwarts is not the place," he said, and he might have said more, but Snape came to Harry's rescue, breaking off from the last batch of lingering Slytherins to join them. "Harry was just waiting to invite me to tea in his home, weren't you?" said Snape, voice dangerous and pointed but, to Harry's hopeful ear, rather heated. Dumbledore snorted. "As you wish, my boy. It is no longer my place to interfere, though I do hope that you will someday come to see me as a friend rather than an enemy." Harry let out a wry half-grin and shrugged. "You've always been more of an obstacle than either of those," he said. "Well, in this, anyway. As for the other, we all did what we thought we had to." "Wisdom beyond your years," said Dumbledore, and he looked, if not happy with Harry's answer, at least satisfied as he moved off to speak to McGonagall about something. Harry's face broke out into the grin he'd been suppressing all day. "I'd love it if you'd join me for lunch, tea, dinner, and maybe even breakfast tomorrow?" he said, in his best flirtatious manner. Severus laughed, slipping Harry's arm under his own, "I can see I don't have to ask if you've changed your mind about our relationship." "Is that a yes?" said Harry hopefully, allowing himself to be led along the familiar route down into the dungeons. "That is a yes, so long as you can manage the patience to stay with me in a platonic manner while the house elves finish packing up my things," replied Severus. He paused, and then added nonchalantly, "I've asked them to deliver the lot to Grimmauld Place." "Brilliant!" said Harry, giving Severus an enthusiastic hug that would have turned into more if Severus hadn't set him firmly aside. They'd reached the door to his office, anyway. "Eventually we will need to decide which mouldering pile we wish to reside in, though yours has better facilities, now that it's been renovated," said Severus, as though he discussed moving in with his young lover-to-be every day. "Then my pile is fine, as it's barely mouldering at all anymore," said Harry with a grin. They stepped inside to find the office already stripped bare, and the house elves hard at work through the open door, boxing up books, bottles and everything else in a seemingly bottomless trio of matching trunks. "Though I'm happy to help renovate yours, too, if that's what you want. Or we could sell the lot and rebuild Godric's Hollow, or buy a whole new house, if that's what we decide later on," he added. Severus gave him a surprised look, and then nodded. "If it is what we decide, in due time." He turned back to watch the activity for a moment and then said, "I have put in my notice with the headmaster. I find I no longer wish to spend three-fourths of my year looking after idiot children." "Just one idiot child is enough for you now, I suppose," said Harry, hugging his arm since it was clear any further displays would be reported to Dumbledore who was, after all, the true master of the busy elves. "Precisely," said Severus. Harry stuck his tongue out, but stayed leaning in close, since Severus was allowing it. "What will you do?" asked Harry curiously. Severus smirked. "I seem to have acquired a rich young lover with a fully equipped potions laboratory in his home. I thought I might do research, supplemented with a small business selling exotic potions to a select clientele." "Like that thing you were brewing last week, for Sinistra?" asked Harry. "Or, you know, the twins would love to have you around for advice on their things." "The thought had occurred to me," said Severus dryly. "Have you decided on your own illustrious future career?" Harry snorted. "I've met with everyone I'm supposed to, but I'm going to wait until my NEWTs before I go looking for an Apprenticeship anywhere," he said. Severus' eyebrows went up. "You intend to Apprentice to a Magical Artisan?" Harry shrugged. "I'll also talk to some Quidditch scouts, and take that Cursebreaker tour Bill promised me, but yeah, Professor McGonagall agreed that I'd probably enjoy working with my hands." "You've had your fill of defending the wizarding world against the Dark Arts, I take it?" said Severus sardonically. "More than," replied Harry wryly. He waited a heartbeat to see if Severus would respond, then added, "Besides, the twins do say I'm good with my hands." Severus laughed. "Somehow," he said, still chuckling, "I don't think that's something you can turn into a career." "Oh, I dunno," said Harry, playing along, "What's the going rate for celebrity hand jobs?" "Where is Master Severus Snape wanting Squimpy to put this?" asked a house elf, holding up a small box with a bow on top and keeping Severus from having to come up with a reply, which Harry found terribly unfair. "I'll take it, thank you, Squimpy," said Severus, pocketing the object in question before Harry could get more than a cursory look. "It will be interesting to see how you find an appropriate position." "For hand jobs?" asked Harry with a surprised laugh. Severus rolled his eyes. "No, brat, for your Apprenticeship. Traditionally a witch or wizard would get offers once their NEWTs were posted, but you will have a hard time discerning which offers are for your name rather than your skills." "I suppose the places I really want to work might not think to offer for me, too," said Harry a bit glumly. "How do I figure out who's got a spot open, if not offers?" "If you make it known you're looking," said Severus after a moment, "then it will increase the chances of getting an offer you want, but bring in a deluge of offers you do not." "Good thing I've got time to figure it out, I guess," said Harry, shaking his head. "I don't want to think about that now, anyway. When will the elves be done?" he asked plaintively. "Squimpy and Snerks are nearly done, Master Harry Potter, sir," piped up the house elf, from where it was carefully levitating bottles into velvet compartments in a large chest. Despite the fact that the bottles were all different shapes and sizes, they each nestled perfectly into the slots, which Harry suspected were charmed to accommodate. Harry grinned. "Are you really going to make me serve you tea first?" he asked, giving Severus a hot, impatient look. "I ought to," said Severus, shaking his head with another of those rich, sensual chuckles, "but in truth I'm not sure I'll even make you leave the parlour." Harry's laugh echoed in the nearly empty rooms. In the end, they had to Floo ahead and instruct the house elves on the disposition of Severus' goods, and found themselves in the parlour, consuming a light tea and impatiently awaiting the privacy for the next step in their relationship. They'd garnered a few reproachful looks when Harry asked for both of their things to be moved into the master bedroom, which had been cleaned and refurnished during the school year in anticipation of Harry's return as master of the house. "Are you sure you don't wish to put me in another room, until we find out if we're compatible?" said Severus dubiously. Harry laughed. "If a couple of disapproving house elves were enough to put me off, I'd never have lasted this long," he said, shaking his head. "I'm sure that I want to give this a proper try, and not set you up in a room I have no intention of allowing you to sleep in." "Snerks is needing to know the disposition of Master Severus Snape's library, Master Harry Potter," came the by-now-familiar squeaking at Harry's elbow. Harry paused, thinking. "What do you think, Severus, integrate it with the house library or start a second one?" "Downstairs in the Potions lab, actually," said Severus. "Except the erotica, which should go in the bedroom." Harry grinned. "Mustn't forget the erotica," he said, taking a sip of his tea. "I've been waiting to get my hands on those for almost as long as I've been waiting to get my hands on you." "Don't get them sticky," said Severus, pretending distaste. Harry laughed as Snerks winked back out, then deflated in his chair. "Will they ever be done?" he asked. "Squimpy is done!" exclaimed the elf, popping in next to Severus this time. "Is Master Severus Snape having any more duties for Squimpy?" "Does Snerks need any assistance with the books?" asked Severus. Snerks made his appearance a moment later. "Snerks is done!" he said happily. "Then I am sure that you have duties back at Hogwarts more pressing than anything here," said Severus dryly. Harry nodded his very enthusiastic agreement, and the two elves took their leave with much bowing and scraping, before finally, finally vanishing. "Oh thank god they're-" said Harry. The rest was cut off by the very welcome press of Severus' lips against his own, and Severus' body pushing him into the fabric of the couch. This kiss was different than the others, filled with a promise not of the future but the present moment, hot and demanding now that all the asking had been done and permission joyfully given. Severus' tongue slipped its way past Harry's lips and coaxed Harry's out to play, trading tea-scented moans for Harry's sweet whimpers, until Harry thought they'd have their first time right there on the sofa. "I was beginning to think they'd been ordered to linger," said Severus, pulling back to take in Harry's face. Severus' lips were damp and swollen from their kisses, and his tongue flicked out as if to taste the essence of Harry lingering on them. "We need to get to a bed." "Smartest thing you've ever said," replied Harry, surging up to steal another of those delicious kisses, then pushing up further until they were both standing, still trading kisses. Severus laughed and wrapped his arms around Harry. "I never thought I'd emulate the twins in this manner," he said mysteriously, then Apparated them both up to the bedroom with a squashy feeling and a crack of displaced air. Harry laughed, delighted, and pulled Severus' head down for another kiss. "You'd have made an excellent miscreant," he said, using one of Snape's favourite epithets. Harry felt a small twinge that the twins weren't here for this, but he set it aside in favour of giving his full attention to the man he'd waited a year for, the man in his arms. "Got a spell to get us naked?" Severus rolled his eyes. "And miss the unveiling that I've been so breathlessly anticipating?" he said, stepping back with a predatory smile. Harry blushed, but he wasted no time arguing; he figured compliance would get Severus' cock up his arse fastest, and that had become his singular goal. Harry toed out of his trainers and socks while his hands snagged the hem of his t-shirt, a Christmas gift from the twins that read simply, "Seeker." It was the illustration below, of a broom with two Bludgers hovering below the bristle end and a Snitch fluttering just past the tip, that made it something Harry didn't intend to ever wear in front of Mrs. Weasley. Severus' eyes on Harry were almost a caress unto themselves, drinking in the sight of him in a way that made him feel both nervous and desirable, though there was nothing of disapproval or doubt in Severus' heated gaze. Shirt tossed aside, Harry's fingers hovered for a moment at the fly of his jeans. "Sure you still want me?" he asked impishly, fingers flicking open the top button. "More than ever," said Severus, no artifice left between them now. Harry grinned back impishly and worked his hands down the buttons of the fly one by one, though he'd learned the trick to opening them with a single tug. He loved the way Severus' eyes grew hotter with each button, the way Severus' gaze stayed intently on his open fly even when his hands moved aside, thumbs slipping under the waistband of his jeans and the pants beneath as well, sliding them both down and off in one swift movement. "Well?" asked Harry, straightening, arms crossed over his chest and cock bobbing in the warm air of the room. "Well, well," said Severus, teasing and challenging at once. He paced around Harry, still in his clothing, eyes taking in every inch and the inspection lasting just long enough to send butterflies fluttering through Harry's stomach. "Very well indeed," said Severus, swooping in for a kiss that nearly melted Harry's resolve entirely. The brush of cloth against Harry's naked skin was a tantalising caress, and a reminder of who was in control, of his own vulnerability and the trust he was giving along with his body. It was intoxicating. "Shall I offer you a show as well?" asked Severus, a challenge in his voice that dared Harry to demonstrate patience and maturity, just as Severus had thus far. Harry nodded, stepping back. "I should hope so," he said, then grinned and turned to leap onto the bed, posing himself with his head propped on one elbow and one knee up, framing rather than hiding his erection. "I'll wait here, shall I?" Severus' smile took on a more feral cast and he began working on the buttons of one cuff, fingers deft and movements measured, but swift. Harry found his throat going dry at the thought of all those buttons and himself, one day, responsible for putting Severus in them in the morning, and taking him back out again at night. "You haven't shown me everything," said Severus, his voice chiding as he worked on the second cuff. Harry cocked his head, then laughed. "If I show you that, I won't be able to watch you," he said, a frisson of desire going through him at the very thought of exposing himself to Severus that way, though of course he'd done that and many more humiliating things for Fred and George. "Ah," said Severus, carefully hanging first his outer robe, and then his waistcoat, in the second wardrobe that had appeared in the room courtesy of the house elves, already filled with Severus' clothing. "I will look forward to finding it for myself, then," replied Severus, and Harry had a feeling he'd walked right into Severus' plans. Not that he minded at all. "I expect we'll both enjoy that," said Harry, hand twitching with the need to touch himself as the cufflinks clinked into a dish on the dresser. Severus' hands slowly worked open the now-rumpled white shirt, and Harry made a show of stretching languidly to try to work some of the mounting tension out of his muscles. He was afraid he'd come before Severus even touched him at this rate. Severus smirked and opened his shirt, finally revealing the chest Harry had seen just the once and often dreamed of since, lean and scarred with a scattering of dark hair and that intriguing trail that led down into Severus' well-filled trousers. "Now you're just showing off," said Severus teasingly, as Harry ended up on his back, legs spread wide but his secrets still hidden by the angle, face turned toward Severus. "Not that you mind," replied Harry impishly, arms going overhead to grip the headboard and body arching up as though he were already bound and tormented. "You like me this way." "Who wouldn't?" agreed Severus, bending down to remove shoes and socks and giving Harry a rather lovely view of his arse while he was at it. When he straightened, rather than pausing to tease as Harry had, his fingers continued their efficient work and got the placket on his trousers open swiftly. They were taken down and hung up before Harry could do more than bite his lip, revealing a form-fitting pair of black cotton pants that seemed to be a bit like stretchy boxers. The fabric hugged the contours of Severus' arse and, more importantly, outlined his impressive cock and bollocks quite clearly. "I like you that way," said Harry, licking his lips in anticipation of the sight he'd soon be treated to. "You'd like me any way, so long as I was on my way to your arse," retorted Severus, though there was no bite to it, rather a pride that surprised Harry, who had never quite managed to think of himself as a prize worth winning. "My arse has been waiting a long time," said Harry, eyes fixed, much as Severus' had been, on the prize he'd been so long denied. Severus took down his pants swiftly and tossed them in the hamper, then strode over with his thick cock leading the way almost faster than Harry could take in the sight, the shape and size and curve of it, the plum-like head and heavy balls swinging below. "It won't wait much longer," said Severus, pouncing on Harry, hands coming up to hold Harry's down while his cock slid along Harry's thigh and hip teasingly, the skin hot and velvet-soft and slightly damp at the tip already. Harry wanted to object and demand a longer look, but he was quickly distracted by Severus' mouth descending onto his, taking it in a kiss that both assumed permission and claimed ownership. Harry had never appreciated more than this moment how strong and mobile Severus' mouth was, the lips thin but soft, his tongue skilled as it drew Harry's into a dance, mouth tasting not of tea or biscuits but just himself. Harry did melt then, letting go of most of his control and putting his body, his heart and his trust into Severus' hands. Though he'd trained with the twins to keep his head during such intimate moments, Harry didn't want to think of such things tonight. This first time, he wanted to feel and give and be taken and nothing else, no artificial boundaries in the way of whatever Severus wanted to do with and to him. "Harry," groaned Severus, his hands releasing Harry's wrists, though Harry stayed just as he was. Severus' mouth began its journey downward, pausing to kiss the spot behind one ear, taste the hollow of Harry's throat, to bite at a nipple hard enough to make Harry gasp. He sampled the fluid pooling on Harry's belly but skipped over the needy cock altogether, nuzzling Harry's bollocks out of the way in search of his real goal. Completely shameless now, Harry brought his knees up and his hands down, spreading his arsecheeks to display the one part of him he'd kept from Severus until now. "Good boy," Severus murmured, before proving that kissing was not the most wonderful thing he could do with his mouth. Harry mewled desperately but didn't even bother to beg; Severus would allow him to come in his own time, and for now Harry wanted to give this to his lover, to be a banquet and a vessel, to give up the one part of him that had remained relatively pure. "You're so ready for me," said Severus once, his voice holding wonder even as two slender fingers slipped into Harry's body, demonstrating his readiness. Harry blushed and mewled, but admitted, "I opened myself some before, with the spell the twins showed me." It had been sheer torture, to sit there and have tea with his arse still tingling from the cleaning spells, empty and wanting Severus to fill him. Severus groaned and bit one cheek, hard enough to mark, hard enough to make Harry cry out and his balls draw up. "Don't come yet," warned Severus, working a third finger, slick with something Harry hadn't seen him retrieve, up inside Harry's hungry opening. His tongue joined the three fingers, slithering in and sending the last of Harry's thoughts spiralling away. "Please, please, please, I'll do anything, just have me, please, Severus, I've waited so long!" Harry begged, though he didn't move his hands, instead pulling himself open even wider, hips straining upward into the touches. Severus smirked and sat up, using his left hand to spread lubricant onto his cock while the fingers of the right twisted and thrust into Harry's willing body. "Far too long," he agreed, moving close, teasing the fat head of his cock at Harry's already-full entrance. "Hands overhead now," ordered Severus, his tone one of an authority that took for granted he would be obeyed. He grasped each of Harry's ankles in his hand and spread them wide, then pushed forward, the head of his cock breaching Harry's empty, greedy body. He folded Harry in half, pressing Harry's ankles into the pillows as he drove his cock deep into Harry's willing arse. Harry was flexible enough for anything Severus might want, but he cried out anyway from the pure, sharp pleasure of finally getting something he'd wanted all for himself. Severus' cock was hotter than any tongue or fingers had ever been, longer and thicker, reaching places inside him he'd only hoped would feel this good. "Severus," he whimpered, voice broken and body bent to his lover's will, everything he'd longed to be and more. "I have you, Harry, you're mine now," said Severus, his voice as gentle as his actions were rough. Severus fucked Harry like that for what seemed like moments, or hours, each thrust rubbing against things inside Harry that set off sparks, brought alive every nerve in his body and flooded his veins with pure pleasure. "Come for me, Harry, let me see it on your face," said Snape, shifting them so Harry was nearly upside-down, his own cock a few inches from his mouth. "Yes, oh yes," Harry said, the words almost a sob as he let go of the last threads of control and spattered his face with his own seed, thick spurts that landed on cheek and brow and lips, and even the glasses he'd left on, though the fluid rolled right off the charmed lenses. "Yessss," hissed Severus, letting go of Harry's ankles in favour of tangling fingers in Harry's messy hair, mouth moving in to lap at the come on Harry's face, ending in a searing kiss that shared the tangy, bitter stuff with Harry like the treat it was. Harry moaned into the kiss, hips trapped by the position and arse pounded by Severus' cock, the movements sharper and more erratic now that Harry had been seen to. Harry gave his whole body up to the pursuit of Severus' pleasure, whimpers forced from Harry's throat with each thrust and eagerly swallowed by his lover. Severus delayed his own release long enough that Harry knew he'd be feeling the echoes of their lovemaking tomorrow and possibly into the next day, though he expected to have been used many times over by then. "Please, please, need you to come, please," begged Harry, not asking for an ending so much as evidence that Severus enjoyed this even half as much as Harry. Severus growled and sped his thrusts, drawing cries from Harry as their desire built together this time, Harry's body reacting to the rough treatment with predictable wantonness. "Mine," he said, "mine," over and over between kisses and nips at Harry's swollen mouth, until he finally arched back and cried out the word once, loud enough to reach the heavens. "Oh, yours," said Harry, one hand letting go of its grip on the bed frame to slip cool fingers down Severus' heated cheek, finding a beauty in the lines of Severus' face that he'd never expected. Severus shuddered and opened his eyes, looking at Harry in wonder. "I believe that was, as they say, a resounding success," he said after a moment, and Harry laughed and tangled both hands in Severus' sweaty hair and kissed him, long and slow and sweet. "I don't suppose there's room in your success for a little sucking?" asked Harry teasingly. His own cock was still hard, and the need shivered along his nerves, pushing out the languor that was tugging at the back of his brain. Severus' grin grew wicked. "I think there's room for something else," he said, pulling out and letting Harry's legs finally straighten. He straddled Harry's hips and then, with a dip into the glass apple that he'd left nestled in the covers, he slipped two fingers inside his own arse, holding his balls up out of the way so Harry could almost see them disappearing into the depths. "R-really?" asked Harry, shocked and delighted. He knew Severus sometimes chose to bottom for the twins, but he'd expected to have to earn Severus' trust in his skills before he was allowed to have the arse he'd coveted all year. Harry trailed tentative hands over Severus' thighs and belly while Severus worked himself open, curious fingers lifting Severus' heavy cock and carding through the fascinatingly lush fur that it nestled in. "I want all of you to be mine," said Severus, the possessiveness in his voice enough to draw a small moan of agreement from Harry. "I want that, too," said Harry, eyes meeting Severus' and finding the warmth and affection he'd grown to rely on, still there now that the desire was fulfilled. Though not entirely sated; Severus' cock began to twitch and harden under Harry's ministrations, and Harry stole a bit of the apple's bounty for himself, using it to coax Severus to full erection. Severus repaid the favour, slicking Harry's cock and then positioning himself above it, eyes on Harry's face while Harry's gaze kept flickering up and down the length of Severus' body, from his needy, possessive expression to the jutting cock and dark, hidden space behind his balls. "Now," said Severus, slowly sinking down onto Harry's cock until his narrow arse rested on Harry's hips, "you're all mine." The feeling was like nothing Harry had ever experienced, so different from a hand or a mouth, hotter and tighter and somehow more intimate with Severus' eyes locked on his. Harry slid his hands up Severus' body and pulled him down, gratified when Severus bent like a reed to bestow the kisses that Harry craved. "All yours," whispered Harry, and then he thrust up once, sharply, just to hear Severus' gasp of surprised need. Severus took the hint and after a few awkward tries they found a rhythm together, Harry's hips pushing up and in while Severus came down to meet him, their tongues dancing a counterpoint of kisses. It was a different kind of feeling for Harry, his awareness of Severus' needs colouring his own experience, keeping him in the moment rather than surrendering himself to Severus' ministrations the way he had earlier. Instead he kept control, took control, driving himself up into Severus and slipping a hand back down between them to stroke the luscious cock that had been inside him so recently, feeling the contours in a way his arse hadn't been able to, fingertips exploring every ridge and curve. "Harry," moaned Severus, speeding up and pulling Harry along with him, kisses forgotten as their focus was narrowed to Harry in Severus, to Severus thrusting through Harry's hand and then back onto Harry's cock, again and again and each push and pull building the fire between them until Harry knew he was going to explode. "Please, oh please," said Harry, not wanting to come too soon but knowing he couldn't hold out much longer. "Mine!" cried Severus again, and Harry would have laughed if he wasn't too caught up in watching the pleasure suffuse Severus' features, in milking the lush spurts of thick come from Severus' cock. "You're mine," whispered Harry, renewing his upward thrusts as soon as Severus' shuddering subsided. He lasted only a few seconds more before finally letting his own orgasm overtake him, crying out wordlessly as he spent himself inside Severus' willing body. "Yes," said Severus, leaning down to steal a kiss as Harry came down from the glorious high, "I am." Harry grinned like an idiot and kissed him again. "You'll let me do that again, right?" asked Harry, no longer worried that his lovers would mind having him bottom most of the time, if topping felt this good. Severus laughed and kissed his nose. "I shall be very put out if you don't," he said, before straightening up and pulling away. He retrieved the apple from its nest of blankets and restored it to the snake-cradle on the nightstand, capping it with the green leaf stopper, then opened a small box next to it and pulled out a steaming flannel from its obviously charmed interior. "Let me," said Harry, well aware that Severus had done the lion's share of the work this evening. He resolved with the small part of his mind still working to show Severus some of his hard-won skills next time, and started out by carefully cleaning them, wiping the less sensitive places first and then exploring more intimately as the cloth cooled. "So, you'll stay?" he asked, after a few moments of fumbling, watching as Severus put the flannel right back where it came from. Severus chuckled and kissed him. "They warned me you wouldn't believe in yourself," he said, taking care to tuck them both under the covers and gathering Harry into his arms. "Of course I'll stay, Harry, as long as you'll have me." Harry grinned. "Forever, then," he said recklessly. A part of him worried that they'd put an awful lot on this moment, from Severus' career to his own happiness, but they'd also spent months letting the affection develop between them. Now all that was left was to see if the fire would stay hot now that they'd quenched it once. Given the way Severus was looking at him, Harry couldn't help but think perhaps he worried too much. "Forever is an excellent start," said Severus, with as much dignity as he could muster, given the state of them. Harry snuggled up shamelessly, happy that at the very least he'd never spend another lonely night in bed, wondering what Severus and the twins were up to while he was banished from the adults' play. He grinned and began to drift off to sleep, imagining all the things three very creative men could do with one enthusiastically willing Harry. Thanks to his time with the twins, Harry wasn't too surprised to find himself wrapped in a warm embrace when he awoke a few hours later. Severus was nuzzling at his neck, teeth nipping first softly, then when Harry made a pleased noise, much more sharply. Harry's sleeping brain didn't stand a chance, and when Severus' fingers came up to pinch at a nipple, Harry melted into him, knees falling open invitingly. Severus chuckled, a wicked, heated sound. "Do you trust me, Harry?" he asked, pinching the other nipple, hard enough to send sparks of pain and pleasure shooting through Harry's muddled mind like fireworks on a misty night. "With everything I am," said Harry readily. He stretched with languid sensuality, until his arms were overhead and his legs spread wide, his whole body on offer to his lover. Severus licked his ear and whispered, "Good." Then, much to Harry's dismay, he moved away with a sharply ordered, "Stay." "Yes, sir," said Harry automatically. He could feel the muscles in his thighs straining just a little as the heavy covers pushed his knees wider, but it was a good strain, one that promised future flexibility. "Have the twins ever told you about our sessions?" asked Severus, his tone casual as he moved about the room, dignified even in his nudity. Harry's eyes followed him hungrily, taking in the graceful lines of his limbs, the old scars and sparse, dark hair adorning them. "Yes, sir," said Harry. Those were some of his favourite nights, when they'd impart lessons learned at Severus' feet, each strike, swat or kiss coming from Severus in a way, at least to Harry's mind. "Then you have some small idea of my methods," said Severus, sounding satisfied. Harry grinned impishly. "Only that they are varied and creative, sir." Severus laughed and said, "As good a place to begin as any, I suppose." He bent down to rummage through one of his trunks, giving Harry a breathtaking view of his long legs, parted just enough to see his bollocks in the shadows beneath the narrow curve of his arse. Harry had to bite back a moan at the thought of worshipping that arse, licking at his own come and tasting parts of Severus he'd only dreamed about before. In fact that was still pretty much all of Severus, but Harry knew he could be patient. They had time, and Harry was certain that Severus would make sure they did everything at least three times, just to be sure. And then, hopefully, do it all again and again in endless variations. Harry's eyes slid downward of their own accord, watching the flex and play of muscles in Severus' calves, then further, to the one thing he'd half-hoped he'd grow out of wanting: Severus' feet. Severus turned and began to walk toward him, long toes flexing, tendons moving in the tops of the elegantly shaped feet, ankles strong and slender. It wasn't until the edge of the bed hid them from sight that Harry managed to drag his gaze back upward to see Severus' knowing smirk, and the coils of white rope in his hands. "Are you ready for this?" asked Severus, voice rich with amusement and desire in equal measure. Harry nodded, trembling just a little. "Yes, sir," he said shakily, not out of any apprehension but an anticipation almost as strong as he'd had earlier for the simpler pleasure of making love with Severus. This would be even better. Harry allowed himself to be repositioned, pliant as a doll but helpful when it seemed warranted, though soon enough he didn't have enough freedom of movement left to help. Severus had started with Harry's legs, tying a thick bundle of rope at the top and bottom of his knees to keep them bent, then extending it downward in a more delicate web until his calves were bound to his thighs all the way down to the ankle, straining the thick muscles at the top of his thighs. Severus flipped him over then, hands moving along the arch of his body, pulling him up into a kneeling position for the next step, a sleeve of rope tying his arms behind his back from wrists to shoulders, pulling his posture straight and his shoulders back. There was just enough space to keep from hindering his breathing too much, but Harry could tell he'd be sore tomorrow. Next, Severus began to weave the rope around Harry's torso, seemingly miles of it until Harry was corseted by the stuff, waist pulled in and chest thrust out, narrow hips outlined in white. Severus drew the strands downward, joining the bonds at his thighs like the straps of a garter belt, framing his cock, balls and arse obscenely. Lastly, Severus made a collar of the last short length, with a leash leading off that made Harry feel humiliatingly like a pet, though in this state he couldn't be led anywhere at all. He was held fast in a webwork of white rope, soft and strong, unyielding as he shifted just a little to get more comfortable. "Lovely," said Severus, making a circle in front of and behind Harry with his wand, conjuring two mirrors and an infinity of Harrys, bound and helpless, red-faced and erect, panting and needy. Harry looked into his own half-lidded eyes and saw the submission there, let his gaze follow the dizzying patterns of white until all he could do was close his eyes and whimper. "Thank you, sir," whispered Harry, once he could think enough to realise that he'd forgotten. Severus chuckled. "Such a good boy," he said, settling something over Harry's eyes, a blindfold of silk that shut out even the tiny glimmers of candlelight Harry had been getting through his closed eyelids. Another silent spell, and Harry felt his body drift upward until he could no longer feel the bed beneath him. He shivered and gasped when Severus' fingers touched him, first from one angle then another, with no warning as to where he would be caressed, pinched or kissed next. Every patch of exposed skin became triply sensitive, waiting for any sign that it would be next to receive fingers or teeth, lips or tongue. Severus gave no preference to the bare slope of Harry's shoulders or the hungry opening between his arsecheeks, nibbling on toes and nipples, bollocks and hipbones with equal attention. Harry was a writhing, whimpering mass of need, each little movement tugging ropes this way and that until even the skin Severus couldn't reach was alive with sensation. "You are exquisite like this," whispered Severus in Harry's ear, his body warm against Harry's back for a brief moment before moving away again. The next thing Harry felt was Severus' mouth sliding up his cock to suckle all too briefly on the head, and he moaned in despair when that, too, moved away. He was starting to believe that he'd never be allowed the freedom to come or even move again, that Severus would keep him here, squirming and needy and blind, as a toy for Severus' sole pleasure. Harry wasn't sure he minded the idea, though his balls were beginning to disagree, aching with unfulfilled lust despite their earlier enthusiastic emptying. It seemed to him that the touches were accelerating, coming more often and lingering longer, but it could have been the sense of timelessness that came with being suspended by magic and bound by mundane rope, blind and reduced to nothing but wanting. "Please, sir, please," he begged, as fingers slipped from his arse, crying out softly when teeth scraped sharply along his upper arm. "Please what, my toy?" asked Severus, voice full of the teasing that had never seemed so wicked to Harry before this moment. "Please have me, sir, o-or let me come, oh please," begged Harry, no shame left at all. "I'll do anything, sir, just let me come!" Severus chuckled. "Nothing is stopping you from coming, pet," he said, and Harry felt something cool and strange nudge his balls. A wriggle proved it to be Severus' toes, and Harry groaned, imagining the sight that was denied him as they moved upward, slipping along Harry's cock in a wicked caress. Harry mewled, thrusting his hips as best he could, and finally Severus accommodated him by laying his whole foot against Harry's cock, the heel pressing into his balls and the toes teasing at the head. Harry thrust harder, the friction only bearable because of his own copious fluids. "Oh, sir, please, I'm, oh please, please!" he begged, though he'd already been given tacit permission. "Yes, love, that's it," whispered Severus. That was all Harry needed to send him over the edge, and he exploded in a rush of pleasure so intense his vision was flooded with sparkling gold and white, his ears filled with the roar of his own blood. His release seemed to last forever, his sense of time completely broken by Severus' torments, and Harry went limp in his bonds when it ended, panting and spent. "Thank you, sir," he said hoarsely, as soon as his throat worked well enough to speak. "My lovely boy, the pleasure is all mine," said Severus, and then Harry felt something nudging at his lips. Harry opened obediently, finding his mouth filled with Severus' thick cock, tasting the salt and bitterness of precome, the musk of Severus' desire filling his nose and throat. Severus stroked his hair, thrusting shallowly at first, giving Harry just a little more each time. Harry opened his throat as the twins had taught him, relaxed now that he'd had his own release, feeling a deep contentment settle inside him as he sucked at Severus' cock. He used the skills he'd been taught until they were no longer useful, until Severus was using his mouth like just another hole and all Harry could do was serve as a receptacle for Severus' lust. Harry let himself drift, humming happily in his mind though his throat was incapable of making a sound with Snape's cock thrusting down into it, barely able to catch breath enough to keep himself conscious between thrusts and not caring one bit. Severus would never hurt him, Harry knew, and that made all the difference in the world. There was nothing for him but this moment, the joy of being used and the safety of being bound, and despite the strain on his body, Harry never wanted it to end. Severus' thrusts eventually grew more ragged, his gasps and moans losing coherency as they drifted down from above, until finally he stilled, hands holding Harry close as he spent himself down Harry's throat. He pulled out just enough to paint a stripe of come over Harry's tongue at the end, dragging his cock through Harry's mouth deliberately before pulling away. "Swallow, pet," he ordered gently, hands still stroking Harry's hair. Harry closed his mouth, savouring the flavour for a moment before swallowing, head tilted up as though to gaze adoringly at Severus even through the blindfold. "Thank you, sir," he said hoarsely, a tiny smile finding its way to his bruised, wet lips. "Such a good boy," said Severus, leaning down to kiss him quite tenderly. Severus moved away, and when he returned his kisses came with cool water, fed in sips from mouth to mouth until Harry's throat was soothed and all thoughts had fled his mind, flooded out by the contentment that filled him. It was almost a disappointment when Severus Banished the ropes and blindfold, gathering Harry close to him in the bed for more kisses, though this time without the water. Harry smiled, blinking in the dim light, then let his eyes close again so he could bask in Severus' presence a little longer. "Sleep, love, I'll be here in the morning," whispered Severus, and there was nothing Harry could do but obey. When Harry woke the next time it was morning, and he was alone. He sat up unsteadily, a thread of worry driving off the fog of sleep, but as soon as his hand touched his glasses a chime sounded, followed by the crack of Apparition and a fuzzy shape that resolved itself into Severus when Harry got the glasses onto his face. Harry licked his lips and smiled, wondering if he dared a kiss despite the horrid taste in his mouth, laughing when Snape handed him a phial of potion and cup of warm mint tea. "Drink first, then kiss," said Severus with his usual aplomb. Harry stuck his tongue out, but complied. His aches vanished with the horrible potion, and he swished the unsweetened tea around in his mouth to rinse away the residue, then drank down the rest in big gulps. "Am I safe now?" he asked impishly, pushing his face forward, screwing up his eyes and pursing his lips like a child expecting a kiss from an elderly relative. "As safe as you'll ever be for me," said Severus mysteriously, leaning in to kiss Harry first lightly and then, when Harry's mouth softened to a more normal pose, more deeply. Harry was grinning when they broke apart. "I nearly had a heart attack when I woke up and you were gone," he said shyly, looking up into Severus' face. It was a bit like trying to scry tea leaves, at least when Severus was putting on his impassive facade, and Harry bit his lip and tried not to look too hopeful. Severus chuckled and shook his head. "I thought you'd appreciate breakfast more than lying abed, but I'll remember this tomorrow when you wake ravenous and there's nothing but cold toast waiting." Harry laughed and slipped out of the covers, his morning erection leading the way. "I'm not ravenous for toast," he said, though his stomach growled to belie his statement. Severus chuckled and kissed him again, then summoned a set of pyjamas. "Breakfast before sex," he teased. "I have to keep your energy up, you're still a growing boy." His eyes flicked downward significantly. "Bastard," said Harry affectionately, covering the fully-grown body part in question before demanding more kisses. "Toast it is, then." They took a more sedate route down the stairs, Severus graciously allowing Harry to stop them several times for kissing on the way. When they got to the kitchen, the table had been set and a proper breakfast was steaming gently under charms just waiting for them. The biggest surprise, however, was the familiar beribboned box sitting at Harry's usual place. Harry grinned. "Presents make up for waking up alone," he said, stealing one last kiss before skipping over and sitting down. He picked up the box and asked, "Now?" with his hand already poised over the ribbon. "Now, imp," said Snape affectionately, pouring the tea while Harry untied his prize. The outer cardboard box contained another box, this one of black velvet and tantalising familiarity. Harry opened it quickly and gasped, a grin following on the heels of his surprise as he lifted Severus' signet ring out of its nest. "Really?" said Harry, slipping the ring onto his finger and feeling as though it had always belonged there. Severus smiled. "Really, Harry," he said, sitting not on his own side of the table but next to Harry on the bench. "I haven't said in so many words yet, but I have grown to love you very much, and I want it to be known that you are... Mine." He said the last word with a fierce possessiveness that both startled and warmed Harry to his toes, not to mention certain other anatomy in between. "I am yours, and I have been since... Since you took that first kiss," said Harry, turning his face up in blatant invitation. Severus leaned in and kissed him as greedily as that first time, only now there was no taint of guilt as his arms pulled Harry close and his tongue coaxed Harry's into an intricate dance. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes, until Harry's stomach gave another loud rumble and they broke apart, laughing breathlessly. "I suppose that since you are mine, it behooves me to feed you," said Severus, kissing him on the tip of his nose and standing. Harry grinned and sipped the perfect cup of tea that Severus had set by his plate, then began to serve them both from the steaming platters of food. "You wouldn't want me fainting from hunger, or mistaking you for a sausage," said Harry, spearing a juicy one on his fork with vicious glee. Snape's answering look of hunger was anything but culinary, and Harry ate fast. He had a feeling he was in for a very full morning. Title: A Question of Etiquette XXV: A New Beginning