And Then There Were Three
Chapter 6: Test Flights
headers and warnings

Gaerwn was practically bouncing around the flat while they waited for Harry to finish changing. They'd decided to combine lunch at Harry's with their afternoon visit to the Kestrels, and Draco had graciously allowed Harry to change into some of his work clothes rather than try to fly in robes, assuming they'd be allowed in the air with the team.

"I'm going to be the most popular guy on the team after this," said Gaerwn for the fifth or sixth time.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I know, I know, you got both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to visit, and Harry's even promised to talk to your Seeker," he said in a teasing singsong.

"Not that I have anything useful to say," said Harry, emerging from his room wearing a form-fitting pair of Muggle jeans and a black t-shirt emblazoned with a phrase in Japanese.

Draco took one look at it and laughed. "Are you sure you want to wear that while you're being Courted?"

Harry looked down at his chest, brow furrowed. "Er, d'you know what it says?" he asked, plucking at the offending characters. "They told me in the shop, but I can't remember."

Draco laughed harder, imagining the wicked shop girl telling him it was something innocuous. "It says you're looking for a Japanese boyfriend," said Draco, shaking his head.

Gaerwn laughed at that as well, while Harry blushed. "Best change, then. Hiro was beside himself when I told him you were visiting, if he got a look at that you'd have to Petrify him to keep him from following you home."

"You're just saying that so he'll take his shirt off again," said Draco; the wiry little Seeker of the Kestrels was well-known for both his stoicism and his complete devotion to his fiery Irish wife.

"I think I'm probably safe, but I'll change. Er, again." Harry turned to go back into his room, looking defeated.

"I think this time you have to let us watch so we don't go through this a third time," said Draco, getting up to follow with Gaerwn on his heels. He whistled when they made it into the bedroom, impressed at the difference one little elf had made on Harry's lifestyle.

The dorm-sized bed had been replaced with a wide four-poster of a lovely cherry wood that matched the wardrobe, which Dobby had deftly repaired of Hedwig's battering. The old red-and-gold counterpane was nowhere to be seen, and instead a beautiful quilt covered the bed, the design an abstract sunset that seemed almost to glow. There was a nightstand with a lovely candelabra on it, as well as a built-in set of grooves for a wand or two, and there was even a Snitch fluttering in a glass dome on one corner. There was a dresser with an orderly scattering of personal items atop it, and the window had real curtains of heavy red-brown velvet for privacy. Hedwig's retreat, the converted closet, had been re-furnished as well, with an interesting combination of wood and old robes that gave Hedwig plenty of places to perch, sleep, eat or even mate, should she manage to woo her owl.

"Nice!" said Gaerwn, sitting on the bed with a little bounce. "This is definitely a bedroom a man could get laid in," he added with a teasing leer.

"A theory that will never be tested at this rate," said Harry with a little moue of disgust. He stripped off his shirt, which got both Gaerwn and Draco's attention immediately, revealing a body toned by an active life, his chest wiry and sun-bronzed with a few wisps of hair, mostly around the small pink nipples that Draco realized he was staring at rather hungrily.

Draco forced himself to snort and say, "I think you'd find you could test it out right now if you really put your mind to it."

Gaerwn's leer turned speculative. "Now that's an idea worth missing practice for," he said, licking his lips in a very intriguing way.

Harry shook his head. "Don't be an arse, someone would find out and then where would Snape be?"

"Spoilsport," said Draco with mock petulance to hide his very real disappointment. "Anyway, let's see what else you have." He sauntered over and went poking through Harry's shirts until he found another black one, this time with the words, "Got milk?" emblazoned across the chest.

Harry laughed, but put it on. "It's a Muggle thing, hopefully no one will ask," he explained, despite the fact that Draco hadn't asked.

"I thought it was a gay thing," said Gaerwn teasingly. "I've got some lovely nutritious milk right here," he added, grabbing his cock and bollocks in an ages-old rude gesture.

Harry blushed predictably. "I'll pass, thanks," he said, sticking out his tongue in an impressively juvenile manner.

"Perhaps you two ought to run off together and leave proper marriage to the adults," said Draco sarcastically. "Come on, then, we're going to be late as it is."

"Got your brooms?" asked Gaerwn unnecessarily, all thoughts of sex gone in the face of his childlike joy at sharing his new friends with his old ones.

"They're by the door and you know it," said Harry, still looking sulky about his wardrobe changes.

Draco slung an arm around his waist, slipping his fingers up under the hem of the shirt to tease one along the smooth skin above his trousers. "Just think of it as protecting your image," he said teasingly, manoeuvring them all out into the main room and the tiny hallway where their shoes and brooms were waiting.

"You know the coordinates?" asked Gaerwn, fishing in his pocket. When they nodded, he handed them each a small golden kestrel with winking green eyes. "Those'll let you get in past the wards, but they're only good for today." He gave Harry a shy glance that told Draco that Gaerwn's crush on the Boy Who Lived was alive and well, then added, "Think of them as a souvenir, I suppose."

"Ace," said Harry with that boyish grin of his, tucking the bird in his pocket.

"I'll keep it under my pillow when I'm pining for you," said Draco, unable to let the opportunity pass entirely by without teasing.

Gaerwn stuck his tongue out, and then Apparated away.

"See you there!" said Harry cheerfully, following, and so Draco gave one last glance around Harry's newly redecorated flat and Apparated after them.

The first thing Harry noticed when he appeared at the coordinates Gaerwn had set was the overwhelming green of the place. A tug on his wrist pulled him away from the circle he was in, just in time for Draco to Apparate into the space where he'd been standing. Harry stumbled and righted himself, then grinned. "We're visiting the Kestrels," he said, bouncing just a little, his broom bobbing foolishly above his head.

A short, round man in expensive grey silk robes scuttled out from the hallway with a huge grin on his face. "Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, welcome, welcome!" he said, pumping their hands in turn. "Gaerwn, how ever did you get them to accept?"

"We're all being Courted by the same man," said Draco with a smile, "so we're keeping a close eye on the competition as it were."

The little man looked surprised for a moment, then his grin was plastered back as though it had never left. "Follow me, follow me," he said, leading them out of the Apparition room and up a long set of stairs to one of the prime boxes, right next to the balcony where the players made their entrance. He talked as he walked, growing slightly breathless from the exertion. "I am the Kestrels' manager, Octavius Oliphant, and for today we've arranged to have you join the team in a practice match!"

Harry suddenly didn't mind the officious Oliphant nearly so much. "That's brilliant, I can't wait," he said, looking out over the field where the practice-robed team swooped and dived in warm-ups that reminded Harry forcefully of practice under Oliver's leadership.

"Oi, he really brought them!" came a cry from off in the distance, and suddenly a dozen brooms were swooping down to peer into their box.

Gaerwn laughed and waved them off, then led Harry and Draco around to the players' balcony. "Let's fly out and meet them," he said impishly, snagging a broom from the rack of finely kept racing brooms along one wall.

Harry and Draco readily agreed, eager to begin, so they all mounted up and flew out into the sultry afternoon air to join the team.

Hours later, they arrived back at Harry's flat laughing and sweaty, Harry's broom now signed by the whole team and his own signature on no small number of their items. "All right, who wants the first shower? We'll have to be quick if we're going to make dinner," said Harry, tucking his broom away where it belonged and stripping out of his sweat-soaked shirt.

He glared at them both, and Draco shook himself and grinned. "I'll go first. I'll assume your house elf keeps you in clean towels?"

Harry laughed. "Yeah, everything should be set. Hey, Dobby?"

Dobby popped into view with a wide grin on his face. "Yes, Dobby is hearing Master Harry Potter sir!"

Harry chuckled. "Ah, yeah. Could you lay out the extra clothes Draco brought on the bed, and make sure there's clean towels and everything for us all to shower, er, separately?" He paused, remembering the lump in his pocket and added, "Oh, can you also find a case for this? My very first professional Snitch, caught and kept." He tossed the tiny, golden ball at Dobby, glad that it was still deactivated and flew readily into the elf's splayed hands. Harry would add the little golden Kestrel charm to the display later, but for now he was enjoying having it on his person, the better to tease Gaerwn with.

"Dobby is doing it now, Master Harry Potter sir. Will Gaerwn Guinness be wanting his clothing as well?" said Dobby, bouncing on the balls of his feet in his eagerness.

"Aye, after Draco's dressed. I wouldn't want to mix things up," said Gaerwn, giving Draco a wink. "I think my pedestrian pants would chafe his refined bottom."

Draco stuck his tongue out and vanished into the bathroom, and Dobby vanished as well, so Gaerwn stretched out on Harry's new blue couch, arms along the back and looking, to Harry's mind anyway, entirely too inviting. "I bet he wears nothing but silk," said Gaerwn, glancing at the bathroom door. "Anyway, you had fun today, I take it?"

Harry grinned and flopped into the matching armchair, which was nearly as comfortable as his ratty old chair and, he had to admit, quite a lot nicer on the eyes. "It was almost like being fifteen again, only I didn't want to hex Malfoy," said Harry with a wry chuckle.

"More like sex Malfoy these days," said Gaerwn knowingly, and Harry could feel his face heating up. "I'd love a chance to get into those silk pants myself, if he doesn’t end up marrying Snape after all."

"Well, or you don't," said Harry, toeing off his shoes and rather disgusting socks, which he left where they fell, amused as he often was that his old bad habits had become virtues now that he had a house elf to keep busy. "Snape would be a fool not to snatch you up if he could get you."

"I might be a fool not to let him," said Gaerwn thoughtfully. "Anyway, I'll find out about some of it soon enough."

"What d'you mean?" asked Harry, though he thought he might know the answer already.

Gaerwn gave him a speculative look, then shrugged. "During our weekend in the country, I'll be putting in a bid for a bit of Snape's time, if you know what I mean."

Harry swallowed and nodded. "The... trying him out thing," he said, then laughed nervously. "I suppose it's probably good for him that I'm not going to, er, have a tryout. Leaves him some energy for the rest of you."

Gaerwn laughed. "Somehow, Harry, I think he'd find the energy. Being your first will be quite an honour for whoever gets to, not to mention he could try and sweep you off your feet with his prowess and magnificent cock size."

Harry turned beet red and threw his balled-up shirt at Gaerwn. "How would you know about his cock size?" he asked, not deigning to acknowledge the other part of the statement.

"Saw him in the loo, of course," said Gaerwn with an appreciative leer. "I can only imagine how lovely it is when it's full grown."

"Pervert," said Harry, trying and failing to keep his eyes above Gaerwn's waistline. "You're just jealous."

"Of him? Yeah I am, though I'm not small fry by any means," said Gaerwn with that implacable matter-of-factness of his. "Why, you thinking of going for a ride on this broom?" He punctuated his words with an obscene gesture that made Harry roll his eyes.

"I've got all the broom I need in the closet," said Harry dryly, just in time for Draco to emerge, hair and clothing perfect with no sign of the sweaty, windswept man who'd gone into the bathroom mere minutes ago.

"And even if he didn't," said Draco, sitting primly on the chair opposite Harry's, so the three of them were ranged around the unlit fireplace, "he'd have to wait until Courting's over to give yours a go."

"Ah, well, a few more solo flights won't kill me," said Gaerwn philosophically, standing and stretching. "I'm next?"

Harry waved him off with a grin, saying, "Go on, you stink."

"No more than you," said Gaerwn, shirt coming off as he walked and both Harry and Draco's eyes following the retreating backside appreciatively.

"Now that is a man with a lovely seat on a broom," said Draco.

"You're both perverts," said Harry a bit sulkily. He shook his head to snap himself out of the ridiculous mood and said, "Anyway, what should I wear tonight?"

"Something green," said Draco teasingly.

Harry shrugged. "How about those dark green robes with the gold design? They're sort of Kestrel-ish, but not too obvious."

Draco laughed. "It'd make Gaerwn happy, and they do show off your seat rather nicely as well."

Harry stuck his tongue out at Draco childishly. "Just because you're all fit and sexy doesn't mean you need to patronize me," he said, slumping in his chair. "I'll bet you get Snape in bed before anyone."

Draco turned a delicate pink. "I might. I think if I seriously tried, he'd let me, and... well, if he does marry someone else, I'd always feel like I missed out if I didn't, you know, at least once."

Harry sighed; apparently he was as crap at flirting as he was at everything else to do with relationships. "I think you should. I mean, I know you love him even if it's not entirely the right sort of love, and who knows, maybe if you m-made love to him you'd find it was the marrying sort."

Draco shot Harry a look of surprise and said, "Since when have you been wise in the ways of love, Potter?"

Harry shook his head, sighing softly. "Never, really. Though I suppose if you and Snape do get married that leaves Gaerwn for me," he joked feebly.

Draco gave him a speculative look, then shrugged and shook his head. "You could do worse. He seems like he'd take good care of you, even if it didn't end up with you two married and making wizard babies."

"The two of who?" said Gaerwn, and Harry wondered if your head could explode from embarrassment.

"You and Harry, of course, assuming that one shag from Severus sends me into ecstasies of true love," said Draco with the perfect drawling sarcasm that gave no hint as to whether or not he was telling the truth.

Gaerwn laughed, and Harry practically leapt out of his chair. "My turn. You two, er, stay out of trouble," said Harry, barely noticing in his retreat that Gaerwn looked rather fit in his robes, with his hair still damp and curling from the shower.

Harry just hoped he'd survive the evening's teasing with something intact, since Merlin knew his dignity was already in shreds.

It took a few more days for Draco to gather his resolve, but when he did he went all out. He dressed in his most flattering robes and softest silk underwear, stopped by Severus' very favourite bakery and then imposed himself on Severus for tea.

"I was wondering when you'd show up and regale me with your tales of Quidditch tomfoolery," said Severus when Draco came through the Floo. Severus paused while Draco said the charm to remove the traces of soot still clinging to him, eyeing Draco up and down consideringly. "Ah. It's today, is it?"

Draco flushed and took a moment to compose himself while sending the box of sweets to the kitchen counter with a gentle charm. "I should have known you'd figure it out," said Draco, moving toward Severus slowly.

Severus, for his part, set aside his book and let his eyes heat as Draco came closer, finally holding out a hand, inviting Draco into his arms. "I knew there would come a day when I needed to stop prevaricating and allow myself to be caught," he said.

Draco took the invitation and folded himself into Severus' lap, finding it just as warm and comforting as he'd imagined it would be. "I couldn't stand the idea of being one of your obligations," he said quietly, curling into Severus' embrace the way he'd never been allowed with anyone else.

"You have never been an obligation to me, Draco," said Severus, his usual sarcasm set aside for this moment. He slipped a hand beneath Draco's chin, the long fingers slightly cool against Draco's flushed skin, and tipped Draco's mouth up for a single, chaste kiss. "When I make love to you, it will be more than just this foolish ritual."

Draco smiled, arms coming up to encircle Severus' neck, lips returning the kiss with interest. "And when will that be?" he asked impishly, giving his arse a little wriggle.

Severus chuckled wickedly. "Oh, very soon," he said, hands moving from a simple embrace to explore the contours of Draco's body, the long curves of thigh and back, the inviting hills and valleys of chest and hip.

"Good," said Draco softly, melting under the touch. It felt as though Severus were learning him, one step at a time, and it made him feel like a rare and precious thing, like this experience was one that Severus wanted to draw out and memorise for the future. Their kisses grew from the simple press and slide of lips to an exchange of breath and finally a dance between their tongues, heated and moist. Severus' hands, likewise, made their way into increasingly intimate areas, finding and pinching his nipples, cradling his arse and teasing down the crease, slipping between his thighs to weigh his bollocks and map the shape of his cock pressing up against the silk of his pants and robes.

"You need to take me to bed now," said Draco as Severus' fingers travelled the length of his cock over and over.

Severus chuckled. "You're right," he said, pulling his hands back so Draco could get up first. "You're going to look so good on my sheets."

Draco felt his cheeks heat just a little, but he recovered by bending forward and whispering, "I'll look even better on your cock."

Severus groaned and stood, pulling Draco into his arms for a toe-curling kiss. "Yes," he said, turning them both and escorting Draco up the stairs with his hand in the small of Draco's elegant back. "You will."

Draco slipped out of his shoes as they got through the doorway; he'd worn low house slippers and no socks, wanting as little as possible between him and success, now that he was trying to bed Severus in earnest and not just a tease of seduction. "I thought I wanted to undo all your buttons one by one," said Draco, slipping his hand down the magical seam on the front of his robes, parting the clinging silk as though it were water, "but I find I just want to see you again, and see if you're as magnificent as I remember."

Severus chuckled. "As there are weeks left of my Courtship," said Severus, stepping in front of Draco and pulling out his wand, "I believe you will have the chance to indulge your button fetish another day."

Draco's knees nearly buckled as Severus cast an obscure spell on himself which unfastened all his buttons, from collar to boots. Severus stepped out of his boots and began to divest himself of his clothing, sending each piece to his wardrobe to hang with the smoothness of long habit, revealing himself in stages starting with his feet and ending with his simple white cotton boxers that peeled down to reveal Severus' one truly impressive physical feature, aside from the piercing black of his eyes.

Draco swallowed thickly. "That's a really good spell," he said, staring. He'd been thinking of places to lick Severus since he was sixteen, imagined that heavy cock in his hand or mouth or arse nearly every day since the first time he'd seen it, resting thick and flaccid against Severus' substantial balls. Draco sometimes longed to press tiny kisses all down the bridge of Severus' nose, or play his chin through the wiry curls that made a diamond in the centre of Severus' chest and ringed the pinkish rounds of his nipples. He wanted to follow the trail down with his tongue and see if Severus' navel tasted differently than the surrounding skin, different than Severus' cock.

He shook himself mentally and dragged his eyes upward to meet Severus' gaze, then let his own robe fall gracefully to the floor, leaving him in the silvery grey silk of his own boxers. He slipped them off, stepping forward into Severus' willing arms even as he stepped out of the last of his clothing. "You're even more fascinating now than you were when I was a boy," said Draco, hoping Severus understood.

"And you are finally grown into a man that I am honoured to make love to, rather than a boy I would have defiled," said Severus, smoothing over that old hurt with the gentle caress of his hands over Draco's body, the press of his lips to Draco's welcoming mouth.

Severus walked them over to the bed, then slid beneath the rumpled covers and lifted them, inviting Draco to finally satisfy both years of curiosity and a very immediate desire. Draco slipped in beside him and moulded his body to Severus' as though it had been made for this purpose, kissing and touching him, fascinated by the texture of his skin, the almost feverish heat he gave off now that he wasn't swathed in layer upon layer of fabric. "You're so warm," said Draco, between one kiss and the next.

Severus chuckled, his hands following an abbreviated version of their earlier pattern, moving swiftly from long strokes to intimate caresses this time rather than lingering. "I want to take my time," said Severus roughly, his whole body moving against Draco, "but I find myself too impatient to be inside you."

"God, yes," said Draco, laying back and tugging Severus with him so that Severus ended up between his splayed thighs. "I did a spell, all you need is some oil," he murmured shyly.

Severus laughed, the sound more joyful than Draco had ever heard. "So eager," he said wonderingly, finding a jar of unguent among the scattered items on his nightstand and spreading it over the length of his cock. He slipped two potion-slick fingers into Draco and got an impatient moan in response.

"In me, now, please!" said Draco, shameless as a cat in heat now that the time had come. "Next time, you can do a-all that next time, please," he said, voice breaking in the middle when Severus' fingers found that place inside him that set off sparks in his brain.

"Next time," said Severus roughly, a note of amazement in with all the rest, one that Draco understood all too well. They weren't the sort of people who were used to the idea of next time; even Draco had been on the run with Severus too long to put much stock in the idea that any luxury would be more than a single brief respite.

Severus' hands had lost their grace, clumsy as he spread Draco's legs wider and positioned himself at the entrance to Draco's body. "I want you, Severus, I've always wanted you," said Draco, half encouragement and half plea.

That seemed to be all Severus needed and he pushed in with a rough jerk of his hips, breaching Draco's body and getting nearly the full length of himself inside before he remembered to pause and give Draco some time to adjust. "You feel... amazing," said Severus, sinking that last inch so slowly into Draco that he thought he might go mad.

"So full," said Draco, too distracted to be suave. Severus was huge inside him, hot and solid and somehow it just felt like more when he could see Severus' face above him gone soft with desire and something more tender that he might never admit to.

Severus kissed him hard enough to silence any more foolish talk, folding himself down over Draco and finding just the right angle before he pulled out slowly and pushed in again with a snap of his hips. Draco's body bowed as the pleasure sparked along his veins, tearing his mouth from Severus' to gasp, legs going up around Severus' narrow hips and hands scrabbling at the thin shoulders. Severus took this for the encouragement it was and began to thrust into him in earnest, the pace just as frantic as Draco felt.

They were both panting now, a chorus of short breaths and longer moans, Severus' low and nearly silent, Draco's loud and growing in pitch as he grew closer to the apex of his pleasure. Severus' head bent down and he began to whisper in Draco's ear, filthy nonsense that only drove Draco higher, aroused to hear such words falling from Severus' normally harsh tongue. "Please, please," said Draco, a litany of meaninglessness since his release was inevitable now, a few thrusts away, two, one, and then it broke over him and he shuddered, spilling between them with the memory of Severus' fingers tingling over his prick, the solid reality of Severus' cock thrusting between his thighs.

Severus' teeth closed over Draco's earlobe, a tiny spark of pain that sent Draco higher before he came crashing down, clinging limp and spent to his lover. Severus' hips slowed but didn't stop, taking the time to kiss him, to savour the moment before speeding inexorably toward their goal. "Yes, yes, in me," said Draco, the words spilling out more freely now that his own desire was fulfilled, now that he'd heard Severus saying much dirtier things. "Fuck me," Draco hissed, just to watch the lust spark brighter in Severus' eyes.

"Going to fill you with my come," said Severus, sitting up and holding Draco's gaze, hands on Draco's hips as he drove in with erratic, rough abandon. "You'll be so full you won't be able to hold it all, and I'll kiss your arse and lick my come out of your well-fucked hole and you'll love it." His voice was a low hiss, but loud enough that Draco knew he was meant to hear, meant to remember Severus' words and, Draco hoped, enjoy the fulfilment of their promise.

"Yes, fuck, do it, come inside me, please," said Draco, basking in the effect his words had on Severus, who growled and kissed him hard, hips pumping shallowly as he spilled, finally, deep into Draco's body.

Draco held him as he slumped, spent, stroking the heavy, damp hair out of his eyes and pressing a single, impish kiss to the tip of Severus' nose. "I'm tempted to marry you just for the sex," he said teasingly, not wanting to spoil any of the joy of this moment with talk of serious things.

Severus chuckled tiredly. "You'll wear me out in a week, and I won't have anything left for the other candidates, who will all drop out on the assumption that I'm impotent," he said, back to his refined and pointed sarcasm.

Draco felt a little shiver going up his spine, and he knew he'd never hear Severus speak again without thinking of today. "I'll just tell them all to read you dirty limericks," Draco teased, brushing his lips over Severus'. He felt a yawn well up and let it out, wanting that last luxury of sleeping in Severus' arms, and perhaps more afterwards as well. "You can lick your come out of me after a nap," he said, eyes heavy-lidded and filled with promise.

Severus laughed and kissed him soundly. He pulled out carefully and shifted them around so Draco was comfortably draped over his chest, tucked in next to Severus' longer frame within easy kissing distance. "I'll put it on my calendar," he said, stealing a few more of their languid kisses before sleep claimed them both.

Severus awoke the next day feeling overly warm and a bit clammy, which was forgiven the moment he identified the heat source curled up at his back. He smiled, a rarity these days, and stretched with languid pleasure, enjoying the sheer decadence of waking up next to someone who not only cared for him, but was an incredibly generous and skilled bedmate.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up," said Draco, giving Severus a sleepy look, tousled head finding its way to Severus' chest. "Still respect me?"

Severus pretended to think about this for all of ten seconds, and then he swooped down and claimed a musty kiss, chaste in deference to the hour. "As much as I ever did," he teased, hand finding and squeezing the arse that had given them both such pleasure just a few hours ago.

"Good," said Draco, his grin growing impish. "That means you'll fuck me again, right?"

Severus laughed. "As many times as I can get away with," he said, kissing Draco's forehead, "but after breakfast. I wish to spend a small portion of time feeling human again before you once again reduce me to a rutting beast."

"Ah, but you were a happy rutting beast," said Draco, gaze growing distant and heated. "I'll wait here while you," he waved his hand in the general direction of the bathroom, "get ready for breakfast."

Severus chuckled and slid out of the bed, not bothering to cover himself as he stalked into the bathroom to take care of his morning ablutions, though he contented himself with a sketchy wash rather than a full bath. When he emerged, Draco had kicked off the covers and was stretching, catlike, a yawn on his lips and a welcome morning erection rising up from between his slender thighs. Severus wondered how on earth he had ever been so lucky as to lure this beautiful creature to his bed, but he only said, "Your turn. I'll make the tea while you clean up."

Somehow, from the grin on Draco's face as he sashayed into the bathroom, Severus got the feeling that Draco heard the other thought anyway.

"You did it," said Harry, trying to keep his own misery out of his voice as he looked at Malfoy, glowing all over his couch.

"I did it," Draco confirmed, grinning like the proverbial cat who's finally gotten his canary, "and it was wonderful."

Harry slumped into the chair. "I'm going to be the only one who hasn't," said Harry plaintively. A cup of tea appeared at his elbow and he grabbed it and took a sip, used to Dobby's strange methods of comfort by now. "When's the big tasting weekend?"

Draco laughed, too delighted to be put off by Harry's mood. "Tasting weekend, that's funny. Like a wine tasting, only it's Snape on the menu," he said, waggling his eyebrows. "Severus told me it'd be weekend after next, he's going to do the invitations today now that I'm out of his hair."

"Out of his pants, you mean," said Harry, unable to sustain his gloom effectively with Draco so cheerful. He cracked a smile and then gave in and asked, "So? Was it all you'd hoped for?"

"And more," said Draco, shifting in his seat. "I'm lucky I did a preparation spell or I'd be sore!"

"There's preparation spells?" asked Harry, though of course there would be; wizards used magic for everything and they certainly wouldn't leave out sex. "What do they do?"

"Well, the one I used cleans out the, er, area, and relaxes your muscles, so you're ready for it. There's one to make you slick, though a lot of wizards like to brew a potion instead, Snape included. There's ones to make you really relaxed, for, er, multiple partners and stuff, ones to keep your cock hard or keep you from coming... everything you can think of, and more, I'm sure," said Draco, getting way too much pleasure out of telling Harry all about it. "Want me to teach you a couple?"

Harry blushed and sank lower in his chair. "Maybe," he muttered into his cup. He sat in silence for a heartbeat and then asked, "D'you think I'm pathetic for how little I know about this stuff?"

Draco softened, hand finding its way to Harry's knee. "No, Harry, not pathetic. There's nothing wrong with being choosy, or busy, and it's not like you've had someone in your life to give you a proper tour of wizarding culture, especially the naughty parts."

Harry laughed wryly, "No, I don't suppose it would have been good for me to ask my boss about lubricating spells or how not to come so fast," he said, shaking his head. Bill probably would've taken the questions as they were intended, but there were some things Harry just didn't want to discuss with him, and Harry's sex life was on the top of the list.

Draco chuckled and gave Harry's thigh a squeeze before sitting back to sip his own tea. "Look, we're friends now, right?" he asked, and when Harry nodded, he went on. "I know a lot about this stuff, though mostly the things men can do more than the women bits," he said, making a face at the thought, "and friends tell each other about this stuff. So just ask me, whether it's about sex or some other part of our culture, okay?"

Harry sighed and sat up. "All right, I'll... I'll try. You've been really brilliant with the Courtship and everything, it's just embarrassing."

There was a pause, and then Draco said, "Snape found my stuffed Dragon that my father gave me when I was little and gave it back to me as my second gift."

Harry stared, and then he felt something warm burst in his chest as he realized what Draco was doing. "I suppose that's a start," he said, getting up and plopping down on the couch next to Draco. "Do these have to be naked lessons? And aren't we supposed to have a chaperone for our teas?"

Draco chuckled wickedly. "No one knows I'm here but you and Dobby, and Dobby wouldn't tell on his Master for all the gold in Gringotts," said Draco. "I wanted to tell you first, because I didn't know how you'd react. Gaerwn's meeting us for dinner at my place in a couple of hours." He paused just long enough for Harry to worry, and then added, "And no, they don't have to be naked lessons."

Harry let out a sigh of relief big enough that Draco said, "Should I be offended?"

Harry shook his head. "No, no, it's just... I'm not ready for naked anything yet. Not even, y'know, tasting." Draco nodded, and Harry once again felt terribly naive about the whole thing, despite the understanding look. "I know you probably had your first time back at Hogwarts and all," added Harry, "but I was crap at all that back then."

"I hate to break it to you, Harry, but you're still crap at it," said Draco, shaking his head and smiling. "It's a good thing I like you."

"I do, too, you know," said Harry shyly, glancing over at Draco. "Like you, I mean."

"Just not in a naked way," said Draco dryly.

"Well," said Harry, feeling his face heat, "Not yet, anyway."

Chapter 7: Tastes

Title: And Then There Were Three
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, threesome, rimming, mpreg
Summary: Snape asks Draco and Harry to participate in the first round of his Petitioner's Courtship as a favour, and they both allow themselves to consider his suit more seriously than anyone expected.
Acknowledgements: Written as a combination of two of painless_j's challenges, Snape Courts Harry and Snape/Harry/Draco; hope you like the result! Thanks to my long-suffering audience, and especially to chasethecat, clauclauclaudia and shinywhimsy for beta after the fact.

All of the works contained herein are labours of love, unauthorized by those who hold the rights to such things, and no profit is made from them. No harm is meant, and hopefully no offense given.