And Then There Were Three
"I can't read any more of this drivel," said Severus, rolling his eyes and tossing the front page to Draco. "You know you always wanted to be called, how did she phrase it, 'a dark Lothario collecting broken hearts on a string'," said Draco with a chuckle. "Did you get to the part where she accuses you of dosing us both?" said Harry, laying down the sports section. "The Kestrels have been winning all season, it looks like Gaerwn made the right choice for himself." "I believe we have all made the right choices," said Severus, and Harry couldn't help but return the smile. It wasn't as rare as it had once been, but he and Draco still had to take turns coaxing them out of Severus, who wasn't yet accustomed to savouring his joys. Not that he was allowed the joy of them until the wedding, a fact which was beginning to chafe on Harry a lot more than he'd expected. "How many days until the wedding again?" Draco laughed, and Harry made a face at him. "Eight -- one less than yesterday. Though it'll be more if your solicitor is late again and we can't get our contracts finalized today." Harry flushed. "Sorry, I... I didn't know who to hire, so I just picked a name out of the back of the Prophet." "You could have asked us," said Severus, sounding as affronted as he usually did when the subject came up. Harry shrugged. "So, next time I'll ask you. Your solicitors have been keeping him in line, anyway, except for the tardiness thing. And I can't fire him now, we'd have to start over." "Which we don't have time for, if we're to get everything done that needs to be done for our wedding to be a success," said Draco, thumbing open the day planner that he'd been using to keep them all in line. Despite Severus' recent experience planning events, he'd gladly ceded the duties to Draco, who was making them both work for their small, private celebration. "We have robe fittings at four o'clock and not a minute later, I had to beg to get an appointment that late as it is." "Poppycock," said Severus, nibbling on a biscuit and sipping his tea. "You know very well they'd bend over backwards in order to be known as the outfitters of our infamous wedding." Harry snorted, and might have said more, but just then a chime sounded and a voice announced the arrival of, thankfully, all three solicitors in the Apparition chamber. "I always did wonder how you knew I was here," said Harry, getting up and dusting biscuit crumbs off his trousers. "I'll go lead them in, shall I? To make up for Myron's general uselessness." "We'll let you," said Draco with a grin, and Harry shook his head and walked out, grateful that all the time he'd spent visiting Draco these past weeks meant he probably wouldn't get lost. Much. "I can't believe she tried to sneak into our wedding," said Harry disgustedly, flopping onto the chaise lounge in Draco's room. Which was now their room, with the ink barely dry on their marriage contracts and the reception yet to come. Draco joined him rather more gracefully, giving him a kiss full of promise before saying, "Well, Rita Skeeter was never known for her discretion." "You were smart to insist on those Animagus wards," said Severus, joining them both. "She'll be explaining herself to the Aurors long enough that the wedding will be old news when she's done." Harry passed Draco's kiss on to Severus, arousal hitting him as he realized that they were married now, and they were very nearly done having to wait. He could have them both, give himself up to them, very, very soon. "Don't we have time before the reception?" he begged, undulating between them in what he hoped was a sexy manner. Draco chuckled wickedly and Severus let out a little moan as Harry's arse brushed over his cock in a long glide. "You know we don't," said Severus, nipping at Harry's ear anyway. "We have to change out of our wedding robes and into normal dress robes." "I have to be naked with you and not make l-love?" moaned Harry, stammering a little over the last word. It wasn't something they'd discussed properly, though it was clear to Harry that Severus and Draco cared for each other more than a little, and he held a tiny fire of hope that they'd grow to love him someday, too. He tried not to think too much about his own feelings, to keep from being too disappointed if they weren't returned. Draco slid his hand down the front of Harry's ornate wedding robes, the stiff gold-embroidered white silk parting to reveal the thin underrobe he'd worn beneath it to protect his skin from the rough gold threads. "You won't be naked," said Draco, nuzzling at his neck. "We'll make love soon," said Severus, giving Harry's cock a teasing little squeeze, then getting up and slipping out of his own robes. "Leave them on the bed, the elves will frame them and put them in the reception hall," said Draco, pulling Harry up and out of his robes, so he was standing in the wrinkled silk looking flushed and feeling a bit chill. Harry stretched once, a feat that had been impossible in the heavy wedding garments, and then padded over to the wardrobe. "We agreed to all wear the grey, didn't we?" he asked, though of course their formal robes were hanging ready right in front. Harry's were a pale greenish grey shot with gold, Draco's a silvery middle grey that brought out his eyes, and Severus' a deep charcoal that seemed to hint at thunderclouds. "You know we did," teased Draco, coming forward in his own white shift to steal another kiss and claim his clothing. "Now get dressed so we can go be tediously social, and then I can finally get that lovely cock of yours properly up my arse." Harry laughed, blushing; he knew that Severus and Draco had some sort of plan for their wedding night, but he'd been too embarrassed to ask the details so they teased him with little hints here and there. "I'd wish we'd left time before the reception, but I know once I have you two in bed I won't want to let you go again for days," he said, slipping into the much softer silk velvet of his new robes. "Excellent," said Severus, finally joining them after having laid all three of their wedding vestments out on the bed neatly. "We'll all be in agreement to refuse visitors for at least a week, then." Harry laughed; he knew they were worried he'd overrun the house with Weasleys or something, but in reality he saw his husbands -- and wasn't that a thought to make him pause? -- far more often than his old school friends. "Best honeymoon ever," he teased, going to the mirror to see how bad his hair was today. Whatever Draco's stylist had done made it seem more messy-on-purpose rather than just hopeless, and Harry could only be grateful that it hadn't magically grown itself back yet. "I'm sure it will be," purred Severus, setting his long hair around him now that he'd switched robes. Their shoes were charmed to match whatever they were wearing, soft boots that had held up well during the ceremony and would, Harry hoped, still be comfortable after far too long at the reception. At this point, he was counting the minutes until they could get away, and they weren't even there yet. "All right," said Draco, arranging his own hair with a practiced flip and pat, "let's go. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get back up here and fuck." Harry flushed and laughed, and tried not to be disheartened by Draco's choice of words. Severus had been starting to worry that they'd never escape all the Weasleys, each one with some piece of advice for Harry and twice as much for himself and Draco. Not to mention the plethora of creative threats, should they break his heart or otherwise allow him to come to even as much harm as a splinter or stubbed toe. There had been other guests as well, every one of them wanting a word about this or that with the grooms, but finally Gaerwn came to their rescue and helped them to escape to the safety of their chambers. Though eager enough to leave, Harry surprised Severus by being the one to drag his feet on the way back to their bed. "Are you sure we should leave first?" he asked as they made their way through the maze of corridors separating the ballroom from the privacy of their master suite. "Everyone expects us to be eager to get on with the wedding night," said Draco, loosening the collar of his robes. "Though I am glad Gaerwn came to our rescue, we'll owe him something for that." "But, I mean, what if someone strays back here and, you know, sees?" said Harry nervously. Severus held open the door to their parlour and said in a low, sensual voice, "I assure you, there are precautions in place to prevent such an eventuality that make the wards on the ceremony seem like Spellotape and string." Harry swallowed, and Severus gave in to his odd, protective urge, gathering Harry close in his arms. "We'll take good care of you, Harry," he whispered into the messy hair, stroking one cheek gently. Draco moved up behind Harry, adding to the warmth and comfort of their embrace. "We're going to make love to you, as your husbands, isn't that what you've wanted?" he asked gently, a tiny note of doubt in his voice that tugged at Severus' heart. Draco had always longed for Harry's regard, and it hurt to see him still chasing after it, even now. Harry shook his head, then tilted his face up to Severus', practically begging for a kiss. "I'm sorry, it's not... I'm more worried I'll screw things up, and you'll both regret you included me," he said, his expression raw and open. Severus pressed his lips to Harry's, chaste and warm, as much comfort as passion. He had a flash of insight, remembering Harry's neediness from their time together, and the insecurity that had come right along with it. "Do you imagine I would risk everything I'd worked for if I hadn't come to love you?" said Severus, seeing from the hope in Harry's eyes that he'd guessed the true reason for Harry's nerves. "Oh, Harry, how could we not, how could I not love you?" said Draco, his voice devoid of its earlier teasing. Harry twisted around enough to claim another kiss from Draco, a shudder running through his body. Very softly, as though he still expected his words to be thrown back at him, he said, "I knew I was falling in love with you both, I just hadn't... I didn't know." "We should have told you," said Severus, cursing himself for a fool; he could see now that he'd almost lost his chance at Harry, they both had, because they'd been too dense to reassure him in this one simple thing. Harry wasn't like them, he had never learned to rely on subtle cues and the teasing formed from long friendship, to glean someone's meaning from implication rather than explication. "We will, from now on," said Draco, taking another kiss, this one hotter and more sensual. Harry's cheeks flushed and his breath caught, and then it was Severus' turn to steal those lips, deepening their kiss until Harry was moaning softly under his breath, melting into them both. "Then it really will be making love," he murmured, head lolling back as Severus' lips travelled down his throat, renewing their acquaintance with the territory they'd mapped so thoroughly the first time. Severus privately thought that Harry's brains must already be melted from their proximity, for him to say such a foolish thing. And that his own had obviously followed suit, since he found a part of himself agreeing with the ridiculous sentiment. Instead of answering, he began to unfasten Harry's robes, sucking love bites onto the pale skin as he exposed it, leaving a trail as he fell to his knees. Severus and Draco, reluctant to leave such an important night to chance, had devised a strategy for winning Harry over; Draco smoothly divested Harry of his robe as soon as Severus had the buttons all undone, shedding his own robe as well and then coming back for more. Severus mouthed along the waistband of Harry's pants, then rubbed his cheek against Harry's length, pausing to inhale the scent of him, tantalizingly familiar and yet still new after their single encounter. One of Harry's hands threaded into his hair, a glance up showing the other one had found Draco's hair, just as Harry and Draco's mouths had found one another. The sight of them together stole Severus' breath away with the knowledge that they were both his, that he'd wagered everything he had and come away with a prize worth all he'd risked and more. Draco's graceful hands plucked at Harry's nipples, teasing the tiny nubs to hardness and getting little gasps from Harry that escaped between their kisses. Severus watched a moment more, then turned his attention to his own task, getting Harry properly naked so they could lure him to the bed and ravish him. He got Harry's boots and socks off, tossing them aside for the elves to deal with, then slid his hands up to the waistband of Harry's boxers. "Ready?" Harry blinked down at Severus for a few long moments before nodding, everything about him showing just how ready he was from his glazed expression and flushed cheeks to the erection pressing against the damp front of his pants. Severus kissed the wet spot, tasting salt and need, then pulled them slowly down, acutely aware that he was the only one left dressed and finding it terribly arousing in a way that would definitely need exploring at a later date. "I want to see you like this," said Severus, licking a wet stripe up Harry's shaft, "in our bed, with our husband." "Only if you join us, husband," said Draco teasingly, peering over Harry's shoulder while his hands roamed over Harry's naked body in a distinctly proprietary manner. "Yes," said Harry breathily, and then, "Please," for good measure, fingers skimming over Severus' cheekbone in a clumsy caress as Draco pulled him backwards toward the conveniently turned-down bed. Severus grinned, capturing the fingers and kissing them before letting them go. "Of course," he said, rising from his kneeling position to watch them. Draco managed to divest himself of his pants with something resembling grace, and then he tugged Harry into the bed with him, posing them both in an erotic display. Severus could only be happy that it was intended not to merely tease but entice him, and once again marvelled at the phenomenal luck that had brought him to this pass. Draco kissed Harry with a wonder that was only hours old, and they lost themselves in each other with an intensity that stole Severus' breath away. He'd been with each of them, but this was their first real taste of each other, and he was almost reluctant to intrude. He watched for long moments as they became more and more entwined, legs tangling and arms embracing, hands finding their way over unfamiliar contours as they learned the shape and way of one another. Severus gasped along with Draco as Harry's fingers skimmed over one sensitive hipbone, drawing Severus' attention back to his own need. For once in his life he was not relegated to the role of voyeur, but belonged in the bed with the objects of his desire, and he wasn't about to let that go. "How could any man resist?" said Severus, drawing their attention back to him as he waved his wand over himself in a move he'd been practicing just for this moment when it would, he hoped, impress his young spouses. His clothing vanished, each piece going to the appropriate hamper or cupboard, leaving him entirely nude except for his hair, which fell around him in a curtain now that the tie had been banished with the rest. He'd thought about preparing his body further, trying to add some colour to his pale skin or muscle to his thin frame, but in the end he decided it would be pointless. They had both agreed to marry the man he was, and nothing he could have done in these few weeks would have changed that. Severus simply had to go against all his instincts and trust that his husbands truly cared for him, and wanted the unattractive and unpleasant man he was, rather than anything he could achieve with artifice. The heat in their eyes was answer enough, and he was amused as always by the way Draco's eyes kept dragging down to his erection, while Harry's looked hungrily into his face, seeking approval first and pleasure second. Severus stalked to the bed and slipped in next to Harry, pulling the sheet over them to ward off any chill. He ran a hand down Draco's side, then up Harry's, marvelling in the difference in their skin, Draco's smooth like fine silk and Harry's warmer and rougher, like cotton worn to touchable softness. Rather than speak and spoil whatever moment they were building together, Severus began to kiss the nape of Harry's neck, tasting the skin there and giving Draco tacit permission to continue learning the way of Harry, now that they finally could. Severus used his hands to find all those places he'd mapped out on each of them, showing them both by silent example and getting a lovely chorus of moans and whimpers for his reward. They weren't touching him, much, but he couldn't blame them -- in a way they'd already had their wedding nights with him, but they'd been dancing around each other for nearly a decade and a half, moving in fitful steps toward this inevitable conclusion. Severus wouldn't hesitate when it came time make himself a part of the consummation, but he wouldn't begrudge them these moments, either. Eventually Severus' fingers found their way to Draco's entrance, finding him closed and dry but eager for Severus' touches. This was something else he could give them, and take for himself as well, and he rolled away long enough to retrieve the potion he'd prepared just for tonight. He sat and watched them for long moments as he slicked up fingers on both hands, admiring the contrast between Draco's natural pallor and Harry's sun-burnished skin, though the bronze was beginning to fade now that he'd left the jungle behind. Draco's fingers danced gracefully over Harry's flesh, while Harry's used his whole hands to feel every centimetre of Draco's body. Their mouths met and clashed and pulled apart for one or the other of them to gasp or pant or moan, Harry biting his lip when the pleasure grew too great and Draco kissing the small hurt away each time. Their cocks strained against one another, hiding in the space between their bodies and only giving Severus tantalizing peeks at a slick head or smooth shaft. When Harry's fingers dragged over one of Draco's nipples, Severus took the resultant sibilant hiss as his cue. Severus moved forward again, cradling his body against Harry's back and letting his fingers find their own way into Draco's sleek crease, the potion coating them with enough slickness to ease his way inside with a single stroke of his longest finger. Draco moaned, and Severus felt Harry shiver against him. "Will you be inside him?" asked Harry, turning his head to claim a kiss while Draco writhed under their combined ministrations, too lost in pleasure for something so mundane as kissing. Severus shook his head and murmured, "I'll be inside you," against Harry's lips, his cock slipping easily to rest in the cleft of Harry's fine arse as he spoke. He kissed Harry deeply and then whispered, "You'll be inside him." Harry's whimper was worth the wait, and another shiver ran through his compact body, sending a thrill up Severus' spine as well. "Soon," gasped Draco, and Severus obliged him with a second finger, though he avoided overstimulating him, not wanting any of them to find their ending too swiftly. "God, I hope so," said Harry, and Severus had to hold back a snort. Instead he gave a thrust of his hand hard enough to make Draco whimper, and whispered, "Very soon," in Harry's ear, getting an answering whimper from Harry as well. Severus pulled his fingers out and slipped his hand between the two young bodies, finding Harry's erection and stroking the potion along his whole length. He didn't have Severus' girth, and so Severus judged that Draco was well prepared, pulling away from them both just enough. "You know what to do," he said, hoping that Draco had held onto enough of his faculties to remember the position they'd agreed upon. Draco nodded and rolled onto his back, tugging Harry with him so they were face to face with Harry cradled between his parted thighs. "Make love to me, Harry," he said, eyes fixed on Harry's. Snape sat back and watched avidly as Harry positioned himself with one shaking hand, eyes wavering between Draco's loving gaze and his greedy arse. "I'm a bit bollocks at this still," he said with a nervous laugh, finally getting the ruddy head of his prick fitted to Draco's pink entrance, pushing until one disappeared into the other, until they were both lost to sight as Harry's full length sank into Draco's willing body. "You're, fuck, good enough for me," gasped Draco, legs and arms wrapping briefly around Harry, mouth claiming a kiss, taking this one moment just for the two of them alone. Severus stroked potion over his own erection while they kissed, open-mouthed and nearly as obscene as the sight of Harry entering Draco, in its own way. Their hips stayed still, Draco adjusting to Harry's cock, the two of them adjusting to the idea, the permission to have one another, to love one another. Countless heartbeats later, they parted and turned as one to look at Severus, a sensual smile alighting on Draco's kiss-bruised lips to go with the joyful grin on Harry's. "Ready for me to join you?" asked Severus, holding his hand up to show the slickness glistening on his fingers, then sliding it down over his cock, pulling back the foreskin to show off the purple head. He was rewarded with identical moans that he chose to take as an affirmative even before Harry said, "Oh, yes." Severus moved in, repositioning Draco's legs and Harry's as well and getting more moans as the movements forced Harry deeper into Draco's body. He couldn't resist a few caresses to the place where they were joined before his fingers travelled upward, one finding Harry's entrance and pushing its way inside. Harry shivered and Snape hurried, coaxing him to open for two and then three fingers, his own control nearly breaking at the thought that they were delaying their own consummation for him. That there might never have been one, if it wasn't for him bringing them together, for Draco showing him that he could have both, have everything he'd ever dreamed of and more. Harry whimpered when Severus moved his fingers away, and whispered, "Oh, yes," as Snape rubbed his cockhead teasingly over Harry's entrance. "Very much yes," said Severus hoarsely, sliding slowly inside, hips moving inexorably forward until he was buried to the root, bollocks resting against Harry's, knees pressing up against Draco's arse. Severus kissed up Harry's spine and then whispered, "Just move with me." That might be harder than it sounded with Draco folded nearly in half and Harry spread wide above him and inside him, but Severus was confident that they were all extremely well-motivated. He pulled out as slowly as he'd slid in, but this time Harry came with him until they were all barely joined, a string of pleasure from one to the next made of flesh and blood and need. He thrust in, just a little faster this time, and they all groaned. "Fuck, so good," whispered Draco, and Severus let himself gasp for a long moment before repeating the trick, faster each time until they'd established something like rhythm. From the sound of things it wouldn't need to last long this first time, all three of them so wound up that it wasn't going to take much to set them off. Severus might have been surprised at how smoothly it all was going if he hadn't worked so hard to make it so, and instead he let himself be lost in the sensations, ears filled with a chorus of delight, the scent of sex rising up to his nose, the taste of Harry's skin his for the taking, the feel of Harry's body and Draco's undulating beneath it, around it, each little gasp and wriggle making Harry tighten around Severus. He let his eyes close to experience it better, let his forehead rest against Harry's shoulder and moved, and moved, and moved. It was Harry who faltered first, voice growing desperate and thrusts rough and erratic now, slipping away from Severus' rhythm to some inner beat, the voice of his own need. He slammed into Draco harder and harder and Severus obliged by meeting him with hard thrusts of his own, until Harry stilled with a strangled cry, finding his release in the arms of his new husbands. Severus kept thrusting, sending shiver after shiver of pleasure through Harry as his orgasm drew itself out, finally sparking Draco's release as well. Harry's pleasure was intoxicating, his body addictive, and Severus opened his eyes just long enough to see Draco's face transported before letting himself find his own ending in Harry's body. He lost heartbeats of time when there was nothing but pleasure, and when he came down his first thought was that their marriage bed was well and truly made. Severus was sure that, once they untangled and cleaned themselves a little, they'd demand to know why he was laughing. He could already tell that he wouldn't mind sharing, especially if it led to more brilliant sex. Title: And Then There Were Three